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WinDDA events

The Windows data-driven adapter (DDA) distinguishes between two types of events, application events and control events. This topic describes these two events.

In this topic

Control events

Application events

Control events

Control events are fired by controls in an application. For all of these events, the control name must be specified during registration (RegisterActionForEvent). The controls must also be accessible in the application during registration. You can use the FindControl method or add an exception handler to ensure that the control is accessible.

The Hosted Application Toolkit (HAT) Software Factory lists the events that are supported for a specific User Interface (UI) control type. If you do not specify the type in the UII Inspector, UII lists all events for the control. All available control events are listed by the Hosted Application Toolkit (HAT) Software Factory if no control type is detected. The following table describes the supported control events.

Element Description


The event is raised when the control gets the focus.


The event is raised when the control loses the focus.


The event is raised when the button is clicked.


The event is raised when the button is released.


The event is raised when the check box is selected.


The event is raised when the check box is cleared.


The event is raised when the radio button is selected.

The following table lists the events that each control supports.

Element Description

Push Button

ButtonPressed, ButtonReleased, GotFocus, LostFocus

Check Box

GotFocus, CheckBoxSet, CheckBoxCleared, LostFocus

Radio Button

GotFocus, RadioButtonSet, LostFocus


GotFocus, LostFocus

Editable Text

GotFocus, LostFocus

Application events

Application events are not bound to a control; therefore, you do not have to specify a control name in the RegisterActionForEvent activity. The following table describes the application events that are available in the Hosted Application Toolkit (HAT):

Element Description


The event is raised when the window is displayed.


The event is raised when the window is hidden.

See Also


Use data driven adapters (DDAs)

Unified Service Desk
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