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VAT VIES Correction Table

This table contains corrections for the quarterly VAT declarations.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV includes a number of special tables for settlement and declaration of VAT. With these tables you can:

  • Calculate the VAT liable for a certain period

  • Prepare and print VAT declarations

  • Create VAT-VIES declarations (on paper or on disk)

For each posted transaction on which VAT is calculated, a VAT entry is created in the VAT Entry table. Based on these entries, the VAT liable for a certain time interval is calculated. VAT is calculated by means of a VAT statement where you can state how VAT is to be calculated.

If you need more than one declaration form, you can define different statement templates in the VAT Statement Template table.

If you need several statements that are based on one template, you can specify the names of the different statements in this table. The VAT statement itself is made in the VAT Statement Line table.

With the Functions, Print function you can print the VAT statements. You can then check the printed statements. Finally you can use the Calc. and Post VAT Settlement batch job to settle open VAT entries and transfer the sales and purchase VAT amounts to the VAT settlement account.

The VAT-VIES Correction table can be used when an incorrect amount has been mentioned on the VAT statement. In that case, you can use this table to correct the erroneous amounts and print a new VAT statement.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Correction Period No. Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Correction Period Year Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Amount Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Line No. Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Declaration Period No. Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Correction Date Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Declaration Period Year Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Country/Region Code Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
EU 3-Party Trade Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Period Type Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
VAT Registration No. Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Customer No. Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
Additional-Currency Amount Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality
EU Service Field, VAT VIES Correction Table Belgium Local Functionality