Debugger Breakpoint Table
In diesem Artikel
Specifies the breakpoints that have been set on lines of code.
Breaks on the next statement, breaks on errors, breaks in codeunit 1, and breaks on record changes are stored in the User Personalization table, instead of the Debugger Breakpoint table.
List of Fields in the Table
Function Name Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Object ID Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
User SID Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Line No. Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Relative End Line No. Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Object Type Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Column No. Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Enabled Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Relative Line No. Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Breakpoint ID Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Function ID Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Object Name Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
End Column No. Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
End Line No. Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Condition Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
User ID Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Session Breakpoint ID Field, Debugger Breakpoint Table
Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV
See Also
Debugger Breakpoint List
Other Resources
How to: Manage Breakpoints from the Development Environment
How to: Manage Breakpoints from the Debugger Breakpoint List
How to: Manage Breakpoints from the Debugger Code Viewer