webwizard EntityType
Description: Definition for a Web-based wizard.
Entity Set path: [organization URI]/api/data/v8.0/webwizards
Base Type: crmbaseentity EntityType
Display Name: Web Wizard
Primary Key: webwizardid
Primary Name Attribute: name
Single-valued navigation properties
The webwizard entity type has no collection-valued navigation properties.
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are not writable.
Name | Type | Details |
_createdby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the user who created the wizard definition. Computed property Read-only property |
_createdonbehalfby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the webwizard. Computed property Read-only property |
_modifiedby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the user who last modified the wizard definition. Computed property Read-only property |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the webwizard. Computed property Read-only property |
_organizationid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the organization. Computed property Read-only property |
accessprivileges |
Edm.String |
Description: Privileges required to use this wizard, separated with commas (,). Display Name: Access Privileges |
createdon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Date and time when the wizard definition was created. Display Name: Created On Read-only property |
isstaticpagesequence |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Information about whether all pages for this wizard are statically defined. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Is Static Page Sequence |
modifiedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Date and time when the wizard definition was last modified. Display Name: Modified On Read-only property |
name |
Edm.String |
Description: Name of the wizard Display Name: Name |
startpagesequencenumber |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Sequence number of the first page of this wizard. Display Name: Start Page Sequence Number |
titleresourcestring |
Edm.String |
Description: Title of the wizard. Display Name: Title |
versionnumber |
Edm.Int64 |
Description: Read-only property |
webwizardid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the wizard. Display Name: Web Wizard |
wizardpageheight |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Window height for the wizard. Display Name: Page Height |
wizardpagewidth |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Window width for the wizard. Display Name: Page Width |
Single-valued navigation properties
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced.
Name | Type | Partner |
createdby |
lk_webwizard_createdby |
createdonbehalfby |
lk_webwizard_createdonbehalfby |
modifiedby |
lk_webwizard_modifiedby |
modifiedonbehalfby |
lk_webwizard_modifiedonbehalfby |
organizationid |
organization_webwizard |
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Web API Action Reference
Web API Function Reference
Web API Query Function Reference
Web API EnumType Reference
Web API ComplexType Reference
Web API Metadata EntityType Reference
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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