BeginCreateOrganizationRequest Klasse
Contains the data that is needed to initiate the asynchronous operation to create an organization.
Namespace: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment
Assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment (in Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment.dll)
<GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")> _
<DataContractAttribute(Name:="BeginCreateOrganizationRequest", Namespace:="")> _
<DebuggerStepThroughAttribute> _
Public Class BeginCreateOrganizationRequest
Inherits DeferredOperationRequest
[GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]
[DataContractAttribute(Name="BeginCreateOrganizationRequest", Namespace="")]
public class BeginCreateOrganizationRequest : DeferredOperationRequest
Guid operationId = Guid.Empty;
// instantiating the DeploymentServiceClient in a using statement ensures that the client
// communication channel is closed and the object is disposed when falling out of scope.
// CustomBinding_IDeploymenService is the name of the configuration setting for the CustomBinding
using (DeploymentServiceClient client = new DeploymentServiceClient("CustomBinding_IDeploymentService"))
// Set properties for the new organization
Organization organization = new Organization
BaseCurrencyCode = "USD",
BaseCurrencyName = "US Dollar",
BaseCurrencyPrecision = 2,
BaseCurrencySymbol = "$",
BaseLanguageCode = 1033,
FriendlyName = "Alpine Ski House",
UniqueName = "AlpineSkiHouse",
SqlCollation = "Latin1_General_CI_AI",
SqlServerName = "CRM01",
SrsUrl = "http://CRM01/ReportServer",
SqmIsEnabled = false
// Create a request for the deployment service
BeginCreateOrganizationRequest request = new BeginCreateOrganizationRequest();
request.Organization = organization;
// Execute the request
BeginCreateOrganizationResponse response = (BeginCreateOrganizationResponse)client.Execute(request);
// The operation is asynchronous, so the response object contains a unique identifier
// for the operation
operationId = response.OperationId;
Pass an instance of this class to the Execute method, which returns an instance of BeginCreateOrganizationResponse.
Notes for Callers
You can also use the New-CrmOrganizationWindows PowerShell command. For more information, see Administer the deployment using Windows PowerShell.
You can use the Get-CrmOperationStatusWindows PowerShell command to check the status of this asynchronous request. Or, you can use the RetrieveRequest message using the OperationId property to set the InstanceTag property.
Alle öffentlichen statischen Mitglieder (Shared in Visual Basic) dieses Typs sind thread-sicher. Bei Instanzmitgliedern kann keine Garantie für die Thread-Sicherheit übernommen werden.
Development Platforms
The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.
Target Platforms
Windows 98,Windows 2000,Windows 2000 Server,Windows CE,Windows Server 2008,Windows 98 Second Edition,Pocket PC,Smart Phone,Windows Server 2003,Windows XP Professional,Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2012,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1
Change History
Siehe auch
BeginCreateOrganizationRequest Mitglieder
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment Namespace
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