Retrieve message privileges
Betrifft: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online
The following table lists the privileges needed for the RetrieveRequest message. The exact set of privileges needed depends on the entity types specified in the request.
Primary Entity | Privilege |
account |
prvReadAccount |
activitymimeattachment |
prvReadActivity |
activitypointer |
prvReadActivity |
annotation |
prvReadNote |
appointment |
prvReadActivity |
asyncoperation |
prvReadAsyncOperation |
attributemap |
prvReadAttributeMap |
audit |
prvReadContact |
bulkoperation |
prvReadActivity |
businessunit |
prvReadBusinessUnit |
businessunitnewsarticle |
prvReadNewsArticle |
calendar |
prvReadOrganization |
campaign |
prvReadCampaign |
campaignactivity |
prvReadActivity |
campaignresponse |
prvReadActivity |
columnmapping |
prvReadImportMap |
competitor |
prvReadCompetitor |
connection |
prvReadConnection |
connectionrole |
prvReadConnectionRole |
constraintbasedgroup |
prvReadService |
contact |
prvReadContact |
contract |
prvReadContract |
contractdetail |
prvReadContract |
contracttemplate |
prvReadContractTemplate |
customeraddress |
prvReadAccount |
customeropportunityrole |
prvReadCustomerOpportunityRole |
customerrelationship |
prvReadCustomerRelationship |
discount |
prvReadProduct |
discounttype |
prvReadProduct |
displaystring |
prvReadCustomization |
duplicaterecord |
prvReadAsyncOperation |
duplicaterule |
prvReadDuplicateRule |
duplicaterulecondition |
prvReadDuplicateRule |
prvReadActivity |
entitymap |
prvReadEntityMap |
equipment |
prvReadEquipment |
fax |
prvReadActivity |
fieldpermission |
prvReadFieldSecurityProfile |
fieldsecurityprofile |
prvReadFieldSecurityProfile |
goal |
prvReadGoal |
goalrollupquery |
prvReadGoalRollupQuery |
import |
prvReadImport |
importfile |
prvReadImport |
importjob |
prvReadImportJob |
importlog |
prvReadImport |
importmap |
prvReadImportMap |
incident |
prvReadIncident |
incidentresolution |
prvReadActivity |
invaliddependency |
invoice |
prvReadInvoice |
invoicedetail |
prvReadInvoice |
kbarticle |
prvReadArticle |
kbarticlecomment |
prvReadArticle |
kbarticletemplate |
prvReadArticleTemplate |
lead |
prvReadLead |
letter |
prvReadActivity |
list |
prvReadList |
lookupmapping |
prvReadImportMap |
mailmergetemplate |
prvReadMailMergeTemplate |
metric |
prvReadMetric |
opportunity |
prvReadOpportunity |
opportunityclose |
prvReadActivity |
opportunityproduct |
prvReadOpportunity |
orderclose |
prvReadActivity |
organization |
prvReadOrganization |
ownermapping |
prvReadImportMap |
phonecall |
prvReadActivity |
picklistmapping |
prvReadImportMap |
pluginassembly |
prvReadPluginAssembly |
plugintype |
prvReadPluginType |
pricelevel |
prvReadProduct |
principalobjectattributeaccess |
prvReadPrincipalObjectAttributeAccess |
privilege |
processsession |
prvReadWorkflowSession |
product |
prvReadProduct |
productpricelevel |
prvReadProduct |
publisher |
prvReadPublisher |
queue |
prvReadQueue |
queueitem |
prvReadQueue |
quote |
prvReadQuote |
quoteclose |
prvReadActivity |
quotedetail |
prvReadQuote |
recurrencerule |
prvReadActivity |
recurringappointmentmaster |
prvReadActivity |
recurringappointmentmaster |
prvReadSdkMessage |
recurringappointmentmaster |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStep |
recurringappointmentmaster |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStepImage |
relationshiprole |
prvReadRelationshipRole |
relationshiprolemap |
prvReadRelationshipRole |
report |
prvReadReport |
reportcategory |
prvReadReport |
reportentity |
prvReadReport |
reportvisibility |
prvReadReport |
resource |
prvReadService |
resourcegroup |
prvReadService |
resourcespec |
prvReadService |
role |
prvReadRole |
salesliterature |
prvReadSalesLiterature |
salesliteratureitem |
prvReadSalesLiterature |
salesorder |
prvReadOrder |
salesorderdetail |
prvReadOrder |
savedquery |
prvReadQuery |
savedqueryvisualization |
prvReadSavedQueryVisualizations |
sdkmessageprocessingstep |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStep |
sdkmessageprocessingstepsecureconfig |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfig |
service |
prvReadService |
serviceappointment |
prvReadActivity |
serviceendpoint |
prvReadPluginAssembly |
serviceendpoint |
prvReadPluginType |
serviceendpoint |
prvReadSdkMessage |
serviceendpoint |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStep |
serviceendpoint |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStepImage |
serviceendpoint |
prvReadServiceEndpoint |
sharepointdocumentlocation |
prvReadSharePointDocumentLocation |
sharepointsite |
prvReadSharePointSite |
site |
prvReadSite |
sitemap |
prvReadCustomization |
solution |
prvReadSolution |
solutioncomponent |
subject |
prvReadSubject |
systemform |
prvReadSystemForm |
systemuser |
prvReadSdkMessage |
systemuser |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStep |
systemuser |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStepImage |
systemuser |
prvReadUser |
task |
prvReadActivity |
team |
prvReadTeam |
template |
prvReadEmailTemplate |
territory |
prvReadTerritory |
timezonedefinition |
transactioncurrency |
prvReadTransactionCurrency |
transformationmapping |
prvReadImportMap |
transformationparametermapping |
prvReadImportMap |
uom |
prvReadProduct |
uomschedule |
prvReadProduct |
userentityinstancedata |
prvReadUserEntityInstanceData |
userform |
prvReadUserForm |
userquery |
prvReadUserQuery |
userqueryvisualization |
prvReadUserQueryVisualizations |
usersettings |
prvReadUserSettings |
webresource |
prvReadWebResource |
webwizard |
prvReadWebWizard |
wizardpage |
prvReadWizardPage |
workflow |
prvReadPluginType |
workflow |
prvReadSdkMessage |
workflow |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStep |
workflow |
prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStepImage |
workflow |
prvReadWorkflow |
workflowlog |
prvReadAsyncOperation |
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Weitere Ressourcen
Berechtigungen durch Nachricht
Rechte nach Entität
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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