AuthenticationCredentials |
Represents client-side user logon credentials. |
AuthenticationHelpers |
Nur zur internen Verwendung. |
CancelEventArgs |
Contains arguments for a cancel event. |
ChannelEventArgs |
Contains arguments for a WCF channel event. |
ChannelFaultedEventArgs |
Contains arguments for a faulted WCF channel event. |
ClaimsPolicyConfiguration |
Contains a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service for use with claims authentication. |
CrossRealmIssuerEndpointCollection |
Contains a collection of IssuerEndpointDictionary objects. |
DiscoveryServiceProxy |
Implements IDiscoveryService and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the discovery service endpoint. |
EndpointSwitchEventArgs |
Identifies the new and previous service endpoint URL’s for an organization. |
EntityLogicalNameAttribute |
Identifies the logical name of an entity. |
IdentityProvider |
Represents an identity provider. |
IdentityProviderDictionary |
A collection of identity providers. |
IdentityProviderTrustConfiguration |
Contains the configuration information required to use an identity provider. |
IdentityProviderTypeDictionary |
Contains the available identity providers for a Microsoft Dynamics CRM service. |
IssuerEndpoint |
Represents an issuer endpoint. |
IssuerEndpointDictionary |
Contains a dictionary of IssuerEndpoint objects. |
LiveIdentityProviderTrustConfiguration |
Contains identity provider configuration information specific to Microsoft-Konto. |
LiveIdPolicyConfiguration |
Contains a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service for use with Microsoft-Konto authentication. |
LocalIdentityProvider |
Represents an Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) based identity provider. |
OnlineFederationPolicyConfiguration |
Contains Microsoft Online Services specific information for connecting to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online server. |
OnlineIdentityProvider |
Represents a Microsoft Online Services based identity provider. |
OnlinePolicyConfiguration |
Contains general information used when connecting to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
OrganizationServiceContext |
Represents the runtime context of the data service that is used to track Microsoft Dynamics CRM entities and that sends and receives entities from the server. |
OrganizationServiceProxy |
Implements IOrganizationService and provides an authenticated WCF channel to the organization service. |
OrgIdentityProviderTrustConfiguration |
Contains identity provider configuration information specific to Microsoft Online Services ID. |
PolicyConfiguration |
Contains a policy configuration that identifies a Secure Token Service (STS). |
ProxyTypesAssemblyAttribute |
Indicates that the assembly contains early-bound types generated by the CrmSvcUtil utility. |
ProxyTypesBehavior |
Enables early-bound entity types on a service proxy. |
RealmInfo |
Nur zur internen Verwendung. |
RequestProxyAttribute |
Indicates the name of the message request, represented by the SdkMessageRequest entity, to which the request corresponds. |
ResponseProxyAttribute |
Indicates the name of the message response, represented by the SdkMessageResponse entity, to which the response corresponds. |
SecurityTokenResponse |
Contains a security token response. |
ServiceChannel |
Represents a communication channel to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM service. |
ServiceConfigurationFactory |
Represents a client factory for creating service configurations. |
ServiceEndpointDictionary |
Contains a dictionary of ServiceEndpoint objects. |
ServiceEndpointMetadata |
Container class for metadata information about a service. |
ServiceProxy |
Provides an abstract base class to encapsulate service connection operations and user authentication management. |
ServiceUrls |
Contains the primary and alternate endpoints of an organization. |
WindowsPolicyConfiguration |
Contains a policy configuration that identifies an Active Directory provider. |
XrmBinding |
Nur zur internen Verwendung. |