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Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.DataModel Namespace


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  Class Description
Public class AccentColor The accent color entity.
Public class Address Represents an address.
Public class AddressBookPartyData Represents data returned by transaction service to help connect a party to a store address book.
Public class AddressFormattingInfo Represents information for formatting an address.
Public class AddressServiceConstants A collection of constant strings for the Address Service.
Public class Affiliation Represents a affiliation.
Public class AffiliationLoyaltyTier Represents the loyalty or affiliation identifiers.
Public class ApplyInterStateTaxIndia Represents a terminal.
Public class ARGBColor This class represents a color as seperate RGB values and an alpha value.
Public class AttributeBase Represents an attribute.
Public class AttributeBooleanValue Represents an attribute whose value is of type boolean.
Public class AttributeCategory Represents a category attribute.
Public class AttributeCurrencyValue Represents an attribute whose value is of type Currency.
Public class AttributeDateTimeOffsetValue Represents an attribute whose value is of type DateTimeOffset.
Public class AttributeFloatValue Represents an attribute whose value is of type Float.
Public class AttributeGroup Represents an attribute group.
Public class AttributeIntValue Represents an attribute whose value is of type Integer.
Public class AttributeNameTranslation Provides a translation for a name of attribute.
Public class AttributeProduct Represents a product attribute.
Public class AttributeRichMediaValue Represents an attribute whose value is rich media location.
Public class AttributeTextValue Represents an attribute whose value is of type text.
Public class AttributeValueBase Represents the base type for attributes with values.
Public class Barcode
Public class BarcodeMask Contains the properties of BarcodeMask.
Public class BarcodeMaskSegment
Public class BasePriceLine Price line representing just the item base price.
Public class ButtonGrid Represents a buttongrid.
Public class ButtonGridButton Represents a button on a buttongrid.
Public class ButtonGridZone The button grid zone entity.
Public class CardTokenInfo Represents the payment properties required for card authorization using card token.
Public class CardTypeInfo Contains properties to get and set the described member variables.
Public class Cart Represents a shopping cart.
Public class CartDeliveryPreferences Represents the delivery preferences available based on items in the cart.
Public class CartLine Represents a cart line.
Public class CartLineData Represents a single line item in a shopping cart.
Public class CartTenderLine
Public class CashDeclaration Represents a cash declaration.
Public class CatalogPriceGroup Represents a catalog price group.
Public class CatalogSearchCriteria Represents a query to retrieve catalogs as emitted by the client.
Public class Category Represents a category.
Public class CategoryNameTranslation Provides a translation for a name of category.
Public class ChangedProductsSearchCriteria
Public class ChangedProductsSearchResult Contains the result of a call to get the collection of changed products, including the new sync anchor.
Public class Channel Represents a channel.
Public class ChannelAttribute Represents a channel attribute.
Public class ChannelAttributeView Represents a row in ChannelAttributeView view.
Public class ChannelCategoryAttribute Represents a channel category attribute.
Public class ChannelConfiguration Represents the current channel configuration.
Public class ChannelLanguage Represents a channel language.
Public class ChannelPriceConfiguration Channel price configuration.
Public class ChannelProfile Represents a channel profile.
Public class ChannelProfileProperty Represents a single property of the channel profile.
Public class ChannelProperty Represents a single property of the channel.
Public class ChargeConfiguration Represents an auto-charge configuration rule.
Public class ChargeConfigurationHeader This class is used as a filter API for specifying which auto charge configurations will be retrieved from the DB. Auto-charge headers have account, item, and delivery mode settings on them. Any type here which is not set to 'None' will be used as a filter for retrieving any charge configurations which meet that criteria. For example: Setting AccountType=All, ItemType=Item, ItemRelation="1000", will retrieve all auto-charges for any customer on item 1000.
Public class ChargeLine Represents a taxable charge line.
Public class CityInfo Represents a city.
Public class CommerceClaimType Represents the Claim type.
Public class CommerceEntity Represents the base object for all Commerce entities.
Public class CommerceEntityChangeTrackingInformation Represents a employee activities.
Public class CommerceEntityDataExtensions Provides additional extensions methods to CommerceEntity and its successors.
Public class CommerceEntityExtensions Provides additional extensions methods to CommerceEntity and its successors.
Public class CommerceEntitySearch Represents the search criteria of a query for commerce entities.
Public class CommerceEntitySearchResult<T> Base class for search result.
Public class CommerceList Represents a commerce list.
Public class CommerceListLine Represents a commerce list line.
Public class CommerceProperty Represents the Commerce property definition.
Public class CommercePropertyValue Represents the common commerce property value.
Public class CommerceRoles Represents the type of logon type.
Public class ComponentKitVariantSet Represents the association between a component product and the list of kit variants it is contained in.
Public class ConnectionRequest Connect to Retail Server request.
Public class ContactInfo Represents a contact information.
Public class ContactInformation Represents the contact information data.
Public class CountryRegionInfo Represents a country/region.
Public class CountyInfo Represents a county.
Public class CreateHardwareStationTokenResult Represents the activation result for a specific device.
Public class CreditMemo Presents a credit memo.
Public class Currency Represents a currency type.
Public class CurrencyAmount Represents a channel currency amount.
Public class CurrencyRequest Represents a currency input amount to be converted.
Public class Customer Represents a customer.
Public class CustomerAffiliation Represents a customer affiliation.
Public class CustomerBalances
Public class CustomerGroup Customer group crt entity for custgroup table.
Public class CustomerLoyaltyCard Represents a customer loyalty card.
Public class CustomerSearchCriteria The search criteria to search customers.
Public class DataModelExtensions Data adapter class to conver SDK objects to AX objects for usage in the Retail Transaction Service.
Public class DeliveryOption Represents a delivery option.
Public class Device Represents a device.
Public class DeviceActivationResult Represents the activation result for a specific device.
Public class DeviceConfiguration The device configuration entity.
Public class DiscountCode Represents the link between a discount code, discount offer, and barcode.
Public class DiscountInvalidatedNotification Indicates that a line Item's discount amount has changed between two separate calls to pricing sub system.
Public class DiscountLine A discount amount to attach to sales lines
Public class DiscountLinesQueryCriteria Represents criteria for querying discount lines.
Public class DistrictInfo Represents a district.
Public class DropAndDeclareTransaction Represents tender drop and declare operation.
Public class Employee Represents a employee.
Public class EmployeeActivity Represents a employee activities.
Public class EmployeeActivitySearchCriteria Represents a query to retrieve employee timeclock activities.
Public class EmployeePermissions Represents employee permissions.
Public class EmptyInventoryUnitOfMeasureNotification Indicates that no inventory unit of measure for the given item were found.
Public class EmptyLineDeliveryOptionSetNotification Indicates that no delivery option for the given sales line were found.
Public class EmptyOrderDeliveryOptionSetNotification Indicates that no delivery option for the given sales order were found.
Public class EmptyProductDeliveryOptionSetNotification Indicates that no delivery option for the given product were found.
Public class EmptySalesUnitOfMeasureNotification Indicates that no sales unit of measure for the given sales line were found.
Public class EntityTypeCache This class keeps the results of entity type reflection.
Public class ExchangeRate Represents an exchange rate between two currencies.
Public class FormulaIndia Represents a tax code formula.
Public class GetButtonGridsByIdsCriteria Criteria object for retrieving one or multiple buttongrids at a time.
Public class GiftCard Presents a gift card.
Public class GlobalCustomer This class wraps the indivdual entities returned from a customer search.
Public class HardwareProfile The hardware profile entity.
Public class HardwareProfileCashDrawer The hardware profile cash drawer entity.
Public class HardwareProfileCashDrawerPoolDevice The hardware profile drawer pool device entity.
Public class HardwareProfilePrinter The hardware profile printer entity.
Public class HardwareProfileScanner The hardware profile scanner entity.
Public class ImageZone The image zone entity.
Public class IncomeExpenseAccount Represents a income / expense line.
Public class IncomeExpenseLine Represents a income / expense line.
Public class InsufficientQuantityAvailableNotification Indicates that not enough quantity available for the given sales line.
Public class InvalidPriceNotification Represents the scenario where a price for the specified item could not be retrieved.
Public class InvalidShippingAddressNotification Indicates that an invalid address was given and shipping service could not valid it.
Public class InvalidTaxGroupNotification Indicates that Tax service was unable to find an associated sales tax group for the given shipping address.
Public class InventoryNotFoundNotification Indicates that no inventory for the given sales line were found.
Public class Item Represents an item.
Public class ItemAvailabilitiesQueryCriteria Represents criteria for querying item availability information. Each constructor represents specific call to the data layer.
Public class ItemAvailability Represents an item availablity.
Public class ItemAvailableQuantity Represents an item availablity.
Public class ItemAvailableStore Represents an item availability.
Public class ItemBarcode Represents an item and assocaited barcode information.
Public class ItemDimensions Represents dimensions of an item.
Public class ItemIdNotFoundInInventoryNotification Indicates that the itemId not found in inventory database when attempting to reserve the item.
Public class ItemMaxRetailPriceIndia Represents an item and its max retail price.
Public class ItemOutOfStockNotification Indicates quantity at hand for a particular items is zero or less.
Public class ItemQuantity Represents an item and quantity combination.
Public class ItemReservation Represents an item reservation.
Public class ItemUnit Represents an item and unit of measure combination.
Public class ItemUnitConversion Represents an item and unit of measure conversion combination.
Public class ItemUnitQuantity Represents an item and quantity (with unit of measure) combination.
Public class ItemVariantInventoryDimension Represents an item and variant inventory dimension combination.
Public class ItemWarehouse Represents an item and warehouse combination.
Public class KitComponent Represents a kit component or substitute , i.e. contains information about a product used in a kit , either as a component or substitute, and its 'kit related' properties like unit and quantity of the product as used in a kit line.
Public class KitComponentKey Represents a Kit component's productId and its position (kitLineIdentifier) as it appears in the kitdefinition.
Public class KitConfigToComponentAssociation Represents the association between the products contained in a kit variant and the kit variant, i.e. contains information about the product used in a kit variant, as a constituent, and its 'kit related' properties like quantity and unit of the product used in a kit variant line.
Public class KitDefinition Represents kit related information of a product which is kit.
Public class KitLineDefinition Represents property of a kit.
Public class KitLineProductProperty Represents the kit related properties of products used in a kit as components or substitutes.
Public class KitLineProductPropertyDictionary Represents the kit related properties of products used in a kit line as a component or substitute, keyed by the productId.
Public class KitTransaction Represents a kit (disassembly) transaction operation.
Public class KitTransactionLine Represents a kit (disassembly) transaction line.
Public class KitVariantContent Represents the content of a kit variant.
Public class KitVariantToComponentDictionary Represents a collection of KitVariantContent indexed by the kit variant Ids.
Public class LineDeliveryPreference Models the delivery preference types applicable to the provided sales line identifier.
Public class LineDeliveryPreferenceTypeRecord Models a single delivery preference type with a single line identifier. This is used only for accessing the database.
Public class LinkedProduct Represents a linked Product.
Public class ListingPublishStatus Represents the publishing status of a listing.
Public class LocalizedString Represents a localized string for use in client applications.
Public class LoyaltyCard Presents a loyalty card.
Public class LoyaltyCardTier Presents a loyalty card tier. A loyalty card may belong to a loyalty group (i.e. the default loyalty tier), or a specific loyalty tier.
Public class LoyaltyCardTransaction Presents a loyalty card.
Public class LoyaltyGroup Presents a loyalty group which may or may not contain a list of loyalty tiers.
Public class LoyaltyRewardPoint Presents a loyalty card.
Public class LoyaltyRewardPointLine Represents a transaction line for the loyalty reward points.
Public class LoyaltyRewardPointLinesQueryCriteria Represents criteria for querying loyalty reward point lines.
Public class LoyaltySchemeLineEarn Presents a loyalty scheme line for earning reward points.
Public class LoyaltySchemeLineRedeem Presents a loyalty scheme line for redeeming reward points.
Public class LoyaltyTier Presents a loyalty tier.
Public class MissingLineShippingInfoNotification Indicates that one or more lines are missing required shipping information.
Public class MixAndMatchLineGroup Represents line group configuration for a mix and match offer.
Public class NameValuePair Class representing a Map (name/value pair) item passed to AX in the transaction service.
Public class NonSalesTransaction Represents drawer entry operation - declare start amount/ float entry / tender removal.
Public class Notification Notification base class.
Public class NumberSequenceSeedData Represents number sequence seed data.
Public class NumberSequenceSeedTypeHelper Helper class to map number sequence seed type values.
Public class OfflineDatabaseChunk Represents an offline database chunk.
Public class OfflineSyncStatsLine Represents an OfflineSyncStatsLine.
Public class OfflineSyncStatsQueryCriteria Represents criteria for querying offline sync statistics line.
Public class OnlineChannel Represents an online channel.
Public class OperationPermission Represents an operation associated with a permission.
Public class OrgUnit Represents a organization unit.
Public class OrgUnitAvailability Represents a organization unit availability.
Public class OrgUnitContact Represents a organization unit contact information.
Public class OrgUnitLocation Represents a organization unit location.
Public class PagingInfo Encapsulates data necessary to page through queries.
Public class PaymentCard Represents a payment instrument by card.
Public class PaymentCardBase Represents the base class of payment instrument by card.
Public class PaymentConnectorConfiguration Holds the merchant data for a payment connector.
Public class PeriodicDiscount Represents a retail discount configuration rule.
Public class PickingList The picking list entity. Used in picking and receiving flow.
Public class PickingListLine The entity for picking list line.
Public class PriceAdjustment Represents a price adjustment rule.
Public class PriceAdjustmentPriceLine Price line representing a price adjustment on a item. Could be more than one of these.
Public class PriceChangedNotification Indicates that price is changed for a particular lineItem in the cart.
Public class PriceGroup Represents a price group.
Public class PriceLine Represents a potential source and configuration of a line's price.
Public class PriceParameters Represents configuration flags for activating various trade agreement types and combinations.
Public class Printer The commerce entity for printers.
Public class Product Represents a product.
Public class ProductAttributeSchemaEntry Represents the attribute schema of a product.
Public class ProductAvailableQuantity Represent the available quantity of a product.
Public class ProductCatalog Represents a product catalog.
Public class ProductCatalogAssociation Represents an association of a product to a catalog.
Public class ProductCategoryAssociation Represents an association of a product to a category.
Public class ProductChangeTrackingAnchorSet Represents the product set of anchors per data source.
Public class ProductChangeTrackingInformation Represents the content of a master or kit product.
Public class ProductCompositionInformation Represents the content of a master or kit product.
Public class ProductDimensionDictionary Represents the dimensions of a product, keyed by their unique property names.
Public class ProductDimensionSet Represents a set of dimensions of a product, keyed by their unique property names.
Public class ProductDimensionValueDictionary Represents an association of a dimension's value and the set of variants which have this value.
Public class ProductDimensionValueSet Represents the dimensions of a product, keyed by their unique property names.
Public class ProductDiscontinuedFromChannelNotification Indicates that an item is not sold through the current channel.
Public class ProductExistenceCriteria Represents criteria to be used while issuing VerifyProductExistence calls.
Public class ProductExistenceId Represents a composite ID of a listing.
Public class ProductIdentity Represents the identity of a product.
Public class ProductLookupClause Represents a multi-part product search criteria.
Public class ProductMasterPageNotification Notifies to show product master page for the given product id.
Public class ProductPrice Represents the product price data.
Public class ProductProperty Encapsulates information about a product property.
Public class ProductPropertyDictionary Represents the properties of a product, keyed by their unique property names.
Public class ProductPropertySchema Represents all the properties of a product.
Public class ProductPropertyTranslation Represents one language translations of a product's properties.
Public class ProductPropertyTranslationDictionary Represents the translations of a product's properties, keyed by the languages identifier.
Public class ProductRefiner Represents a product refiner.
Public class ProductRefinerValue Represents a product refiner value.
Public class ProductRules Represents the rule set governing the behavior of a product.
Public class ProductSearchCriteria Represents a query to retrieve products as emitted by the client.
Public class ProductSearchResult Represents the response to a query for Product objects.
Public class ProductToKitVariantDictionary Represents a collection of KitLineProductToVariantMaps indexed by the productIds used in the variants.
Public class ProductVariant Represents a variant of a product with size, color, style, and config dimensions. Also has information about the legal entity the variant is in.
Public class ProductVariantDictionary Represents a product's variants, keyed on the variant id.
Public class ProductVariantInformation Represents the information comprising the variant of a product.
Public class ProductVariantPropertyDictionary Represents all the properties of a given product and its eventual variants, keyed by their unique product identifiers.
Public class ProductVariantPropertySet Represents one language translations of a product's properties.
Public class ProjectionDomain Represents the context where a Retail operation takes place (e.g. the catalog and channel identifiers).
Public class PropertyColumnPair Represents a mapping between PropertyInfo and ColumnAttribute.
Public class PurchaseOrder The purchase order entity. Used in picking and receiving flow.
Public class PurchaseOrderLine The entity for purchase order line.
Public class QuantityDiscountLevel Defines a threshold level for a quantity discount.
Public class QueryResultSettings Encapsulates the properties used when determining the output of a query.
Public class ReadChangedProductsSession Represents a session needed to read changed products.
Public class ReadOnlyAttribute Annotates that a property is read-only outside commerce runtime.
Public class ReasonCode The reason code entity.
Public class ReasonCodeLine Reprensents a reason code line.
Public class ReasonCodeRequiredNotification Indicates there are reason codes required.
Public class ReasonCodeRequirement The reason code requirement entity.
Public class ReasonCodeSettings The reason code settings type. Represents the reason code settings in the functionality profile.
Public class ReasonCodeSpecific The reason code specific entity.
Public class ReasonSubCode The reason sub code entity.
Public class Receipt The commerce entity for the receipt. Will be used in print and email scenarios.
Public class ReceiptHeaderInfoIndia Represents India receipt header info.
Public class ReceiptHeaderTaxInfoIndia Represents a tax info.
Public class ReceiptInfo The class containing additional required information about the receipt.
Public class ReceiptItemInfo The class to describe various propertis and formattings of varibles used to print a receipt.
Public class ReceiptMask Represents the format of a receipt.
Public class ReceiptProfile The class describing a receipt profile.
Public class RelatedProduct Represents a related Product.
Public class ReportConfiguration Represents configuration of a report.
Public class ReportDataSet Represents an object used to retrieve a report dataset.
Public class ReportRow Represents an object used to retrieve a report row.
Public class ReportZone The report zone entity.
Public class RequestTypeCache This class keeps the results of request type reflection.
Public class RetailCategoryMember Contains information about the products or variants that belong to a specific category.
Public class RetailDiscount Represents a retail discount configuration.
Public class RetailDiscountLine Represents a retail discount line configuration.
Public class RetailDiscountPriceGroup Represents a retail discount price group.
Public class RetailImage Represents a retail image.
Public class RetailTransactionPaymentSchema DataManager class for Payment transactions.
Public class ReturnLabelContent Represents return label properties.
Public class RichMediaLocations
Public class RichMediaLocationsRichMediaLocation
Public class SalesAffiliationLoyaltyTier Represents sales affiliation or loyalty tier data.
Public class SalesInvoice Represents a customer invoice journal.
Public class SalesInvoiceLine Represents a customer invoice transaction.
Public class SalesLine Represents a channel agnostic sales line.
Public class SalesLineDeliveryOption Represents the delivery options applicable for sales line.
Public class SalesLineShippingRate Container for SalesLineId and the cost of shipping the items in it.
Public class SalesLinesQueryCriteria Represents criteria for querying sales lines.
Public class SalesOrder Sales order class
Public class SalesOrderSearchCriteria Request for getting the sales order by the receipt identifier.
Public class SalesParameters Represents a sales prameter.
Public class SalesTaxGroup Represents a single row in destination-based tax filters table.
Public class SalesTransaction Represents a channel agnostic sales transaction.
Public class SalesTransactionData Sales transaction database representation.
Public class ScanInfo Encapsulates scanning information used to retrieve the barcode scanned details.
Public class SearchArea Represents an area centered at a geographic coordinate with a given radius.
Public class SearchStoreCriteria Represents a query to retrieve stores.
Public class Shift Class represents a Shift.
Public class ShiftAccountLine Class represents a Shift account line.
Public class ShiftDataQueryCriteria Represents criteria for querying shift information.
Public class ShiftTenderLine Class represents a Shift tender line.
Public class Shipment Contains details of a packing slip.
Public class ShipmentLine Encapsulates details of a packing slip line.
Public class ShipmentLineMapping Class that represents a mapping between a sales line and a packing slip line.
Public class ShipmentProgress Container for shipping progress details of a shipment.
Public class ShipmentPublishingStatus Class that represents the publishing status of the a shipment on a channel.
Public class ShipmentsContainer Represents the container for shipments.
Public class ShippingAdapterConfig Represents an entry in the shipper carrier account configuration view.
Public class ShippingRateInfo Container for all the shipment specific information necessary to get shipping charges from a carrier.
Public class SortColumn Represents a column used as part of an order by clause.
Public class SortingInfo Encapsulates column information necessary to sort queries.
Public class StateProvinceInfo Represents a state/province.
Public class StockCountJournal StockCountJournal entity class, it contains the properties mapped to RetailStockCountJournal table in RetailServer.
Public class StockCountJournalTransaction StockCountJournalTransaction entity class, it contains the properties mapped to RetailStockCount table in RetailServer.
Public class SupportedLanguage Represents a supported language.
Public class TaxableItem Common interface for taxable entities.
Public class TaxCodeInterval Represents a tax code interval.
Public class TaxCodeIntervalIndia Represents a tax code interval.
Public class TaxCodeUnit Represents a tax code unit.
Public class TaxComponentIndia Represents the tax component.
Public class TaxLine Represents a tax line.
Public class TaxLineIndia Represents an India tax line.
Public class TaxOverride Represents the tax override.
Public class TaxParameters Represents the tax parameter.
Public class TaxSummarySettingIndia Represents a terminal.
Public class TaxViewLine Represents the tax view line. This class contains tax summary information of TaxLine.
Public class TenderDetail Represents a tender line.
Public class TenderLine Represents a tender line.
Public class TenderLineBase Represents a tender line.
Public class TenderType Represents a tender type.
Public class Terminal Represents a terminal.
Public class TextValueTranslation Provides a translation for a text value.
Public class ThresholdDiscountTier Defines a threshold tier for threshold discount.
Public class TillLayout The layout entity.
Public class TillLayoutExtensions Provides helper methods for till layout.
Public class TimeZoneExtensions The TimeZoneExtensions class.
Public class TimeZoneInterval Represents a Time Zone Record type.
Public class TokenizedPaymentCard Represents a payment instrument by tokenized card.
Public class TrackingConfig Encapsulates a set of tracking numbers with the corresponding shipping adapter's config.
Public class TrackingInfo Contains carrier specific tracking details of shipment.
Public class TradeAgreement Represents trade agreement configuration rule.
Public class TradeAgreementPriceLine Price line representing just the result of trade agreement price search.
Public class Transaction Represents a channel agnostic transaction.
Public class TransactionLog Represents a channel agnostic transaction.
Public class TransactionProperty Represents a persistent property for a transaction.
Public class TransactionServiceProfile Represents the transaction service profile.
Public class TransferOrder Commerce entity for transfer order. Will be used in picking and receiving flow.
Public class TransferOrderLine The entity for transfer order line.
Public class TypeCache Base class to cache reflection data by Type.
Public class TypeCacheManager<T> Manages the EntityTypeCache classes that allows reflection on entity types to be done only once.
Public class UnableToConvertUnitOfMeasureNotification Indicates that unable to convert quantity between unit of measures for an item.
Public class UnableToDetermineQuantityForStoresNotification Indicates that quantity can not be retrieved for certain store-item combination from inventory database.
Public class UnableToDetermineQuantityNotification Indicates that quantity can not be retrieved from inventory database.
Public class UnableToResolveListingIdsNotification Encapsulates listing identifiers that could not be resolved into item and variant details.
Public class UnableToRetrieveStoresNotification Indicates that the stores nearby can not be identified by the store locator service.
Public class UnitOfMeasure Represents unit of measure (e.g. Feet, pounds, pieces, etc).
Public class UnitOfMeasureConversion Represents a unit of measure conversion.
Public class ValidateHardwareStationTokenResult Represents the activation result for a specific device.
Public class ValidationPeriod Represents an advanced retail periodic discount validity configuration.
Public class WarehouseDetails Encapsulates details of a warehouse with a specific identifier.
Public class Weight Represents the weight of a package.
Public class ZipCodeInfo Represents a zip/postal code.
Public class ZoneReference The zone reference entity.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate RoundingRule


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AddressFilter Represents the address filter criteria.
Public enumeration AddressFormatLineType Represents the address format line type.
Public enumeration AddressType Customer Address Type. Ported over from the LogisticsLocationRoleType in AX.
Public enumeration Alignment Describes the alignment for text and variables.
Public enumeration AttributeDataType Represents the data type of the attribute.
Public enumeration AttributeGroupType Attribute group type enum, matches corresponding enum in AX.
Public enumeration AuditLogTraceLevel Describes the trace level of the audit log.
Public enumeration BarcodeEntryMethodType Describes, how the barcode was entered. See member list for details.
Public enumeration BarcodeMaskType Describes the internal type of the barcode.
Public enumeration BarcodeSegmentType Barcode mask segment types.
Public enumeration CalculationModes An enumeration used to indicate which combination of calculations should be performed when returning the cart.
Public enumeration CardType List of card types supported by the system.
Public enumeration CartStatus Represents the status of cart.
Public enumeration CartType Represents the shopping cart type.
Public enumeration CashType Cash type - coin/note.
Public enumeration ChangeAction Represents the change action.
Public enumeration ChargeAccountType Represents the charge account type.
Public enumeration ChargeDeliveryType Represents the charge delivery type.
Public enumeration ChargeItemType Represents the charge item type.
Public enumeration ChargeLevel Represents the charge level.
Public enumeration ChargeMethod Represents the charge method.
Public enumeration ChargeModule Represents the charge module.
Public enumeration ChargeType Represents the type of charge being applied to the line.
Public enumeration CommerceEntityDataLevel Represents the various levels of data which an entity can contain.
Public enumeration CommerceListOperationType Represents the types of operations for a commerce list.
Public enumeration CommerceListType Commerce list type enum.
Public enumeration ConcurrencyMode Specifies how the discount should interact with other discounts on a line.
Public enumeration ContactInformationType Represents the contact information types.
Public enumeration ContactInfoType Represents an electronic address type.
Public enumeration CountryRegionISOCode CountryRegionISOCode provides a list of enum values for a two-letter ISO country codes that we support in POS.
Public enumeration CustomerDiscountType Represents the customer discount type.
Public enumeration CustomerOrderMode Represents the different operations that can be done over a customer order.
Public enumeration CustomerOrderType Type of Customer Order.
Public enumeration CustomerType Represents the type of customer.
Public enumeration DateValidationType Indicates whether the discount/promotion validation period is standard (i.e. date range) or advanced (i.e. periodic validity periods).
Public enumeration DayMonthYear Represents the time unit.
Public enumeration DeliveryPreferenceType Defines the available delivery preference types.
Public enumeration DeviceType Describes the device type.
Public enumeration DiscountCalculationMode Defines how the pricing calculation should act on the set of lines passed into it.
Public enumeration DiscountCodesOperation Represents the operations on discount codes in shopping cart.
Public enumeration DiscountLineType Represents the different types of discount lines. Maps to base enum RetailDiscountOrigin in AX.
Public enumeration DiscountOfferMethod Specific method by which the discount is applied.
Public enumeration DisplayTemplate Represents the type of UI interface to be displayed.
Public enumeration DistanceUnit Unit for distance.
Public enumeration DocumentStatus AX document status.
Public enumeration DualDisplayType Describes the dual display type.
Public enumeration EmployeeActivityType Time clock type which is mapped from AX enum "JmgTermRegType".
Public enumeration EmployeePriceOverrideType Represents the type of employee price override.
Public enumeration FontStyle Specifies style information applied to text.
Public enumeration GiftCardOperationType Represents the type of gift card operation(Issue or AddTo).
Public enumeration IncomeExpenseAccountType Income Expense Account type.
Public enumeration ItemAvailabilityPreferences Item availability preferences.
Public enumeration KeyInPrices KeyInPrices are used when items needs to be explicitely Keyed In during the Barcode scan operation.
Public enumeration KeyInQuantities Enum values for Key In Quantities.
Public enumeration LineDiscountCalculationType Represents how trade agreement discount conflicts will be resolved when totalling.
Public enumeration LineMultilineDiscountOnItem Represents a multiline discount on the item per line.
Public enumeration ListingPublishingActionStatus Represents the publishing status of a given listing.
Public enumeration LogOnConfiguration Represents the logOn Configuration.
Public enumeration LogOnType Represents the type of logon type.
Public enumeration LoyaltyActivityType Describes the type of the loyalty program related activity.
Public enumeration LoyaltyCardTenderType Describes the tender type of the loyalty card.
Public enumeration LoyaltyRewardPointEntryType Describes the entry type of the loyalty reward point line.
Public enumeration LoyaltyRewardPointType Describes the unit type of the loyalty reward point.
Public enumeration LoyaltyRewardType Describes the type of the loyalty reward.
Public enumeration LoyaltyTransactionType Describes the source of the loyalty transaction.
Public enumeration ManualDiscountType Type of manual discount represents Enum RetailManualDiscountType in AX.
Public enumeration MultipleBuyDiscountMethod Describes the discount method for multi buy discount lines.
Public enumeration NonSalesTenderType Represents the non-sale tender type operation - starting amount / tender removal / float entry.
Public enumeration NumberSequenceSeedType Number sequence counter type.
Public enumeration OfflineDatabaseType Offline database type.
Public enumeration OfflineSyncStatus Represents offline sync status for a particular sync scope.
Public enumeration OnlineChannelPublishStatusType Represents the publishing status of an online channel.
Public enumeration OrderSearchType The type of the search to be performed.
Public enumeration PaymentType Type of payment transaction.
Public enumeration PendingOrderStatus The status of a pending order.
Public enumeration PeriodicDiscountOfferType Represents the offer type of a periodic discount.
Public enumeration PriceDiscountAccountCode Enables to grant a discount with regard to a customer, a superordinate customer group or to all customers. Refers to table PriceDiscTable.AccountCode.
Public enumeration PriceDiscountItemCode Enables to grant a discount with regard to an item, a superordinate item group or to all items. Refers to table PriceDiscTable.ItemCode.
Public enumeration PriceDiscountType Represents the type of a trade agreement.
Public enumeration PriceMethod Defines meaning of the value on a PriceLine.
Public enumeration PriceType Price type. Maps to RetailPriceType enum in AX.
Public enumeration PricingCalculationMode Defines how the pricing calculation should act on the set of lines passed into it.
Public enumeration PrintBehavior Describes the alignment for text and variables.
Public enumeration PrinterLogoAlignmentType Describes the printer logo alignment type.
Public enumeration PrinterLogotype Describes the printer logo type.
Public enumeration ProductAttributeRelationType Represents the relation type of a product attribute.
Public enumeration ProductAttributeValueSource The product attribute value source.
Public enumeration ProductPropertyType Represents the type of the product property.
Public enumeration ProductRefinerSource Represents the product information being used as a product refiner.
Public enumeration ProductSource Represents the source of the product.
Public enumeration PublishingAction Represents the publishing actions.
Public enumeration PurchaseTransferOrderType The different order types.
Public enumeration ReasonCodeInputRequiredType Input required type. Maps to RetailNoneAlwaysPositiveNegative enum in AX.
Public enumeration ReasonCodeInputType The reason code input type enum. Maps to RetailInfocodeInputType enum in AX.
Public enumeration ReasonCodeLineType Reason code line type. Maps to RetailInfocodeTransType in AX.
Public enumeration ReasonCodeSourceType The reason code source type enum. Maps to the available reason code source types in the source type to id mappings in the POS functionality profile.
Public enumeration ReasonCodeTableRefType Table reference type. Maps to RBOInfocodeRefTAbleIdBase enum in AX.
Public enumeration ReceiptTaxDetailsTypeIndia How tax summary is organized in India receipts.
Public enumeration ReceiptTransactionType Represents the type of transaction for which the receipt is being generated.
Public enumeration ReceiptType The different receipt types. The source of these values is the FORMLAYOUTID in the RETAILFORMLAYOUT table in Ax.
Public enumeration RefinerType Represents the functionality that can be performed on a refiner.
Public enumeration RetailAffiliationType Represents the affiliation type.
Public enumeration RetailChannelType Represents the channel type.
Public enumeration RetailOperation Represents the type of logon type.
Public enumeration RetailProductChannelProductAttributeId The default attributes from RetailChannelProductAttributeID base enumeration in AX.
Public enumeration RoundingMethod Rounding method for tender types.
Public enumeration SalesInvoiceType Represents the type of sales invoice journal.
Public enumeration SalesStatus Aggregated AX Sales Order status values
Public enumeration SalesTransactionType Represents the type of sales transaction.
Public enumeration SearchLocation An enumeration used to indicate where to search for entity.
Public enumeration ShiftStatus Status of the Shift.
Public enumeration ShipmentPublishingActionStatus Possible publishing status for a shipment.
Public enumeration StatementMethod The statement methods enum.
Public enumeration TaxableBasisIndia Represents the type of tax base.
Public enumeration TaxOverrideBy Represents the override tax by type.
Public enumeration TaxOverrideType Represents the tax override type.
Public enumeration TaxTypeIndia Represents the type of tax base.
Public enumeration TenderDropAndDeclareType Represents the type of bank drop/ safe drop/ tender declaration daily operation.
Public enumeration TenderLineStatus Represents the status of tender line.
Public enumeration ThresholdDiscountMethod Describes the discount method for threshold tier.
Public enumeration TransactionOperationType Represents the types of operations for a sales transaction.
Public enumeration TransactionStatus Represents the status of Transaction/TenderLine/SalesLine.
Public enumeration TransactionType Represents the type of transaction.
Public enumeration TriggerFunctionType Trigger function type enum. Maps to RetailTriggerFunction enum in AX.