Gewusst wie: Erstellen einer Reflektion
In diesem Beispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie mithilfe von VisualBrush eine Reflektion erstellt wird. Da mithilfe von VisualBrush vorhandene visuelle Objekte angezeigt werden können, können Sie diese Funktion zum Erstellen von interessanten visuellen Effekten wie Reflektionen and Vergrößerungen verwenden.
Im folgenden Beispiel wird mit VisualBrush eine Reflektion von Border erstellt, die mehrere Elemente enthält. In der folgenden Abbildung ist die von diesem Beispiel erstellte Ausgabe dargestellt.
Ein reflektiertes visuelles Objekt
Imports System
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Data
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows.Media
Imports System.Windows.Media.Effects
Imports System.Windows.Media.Imaging
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports System.Windows.Shapes
Namespace SDKSample
Partial Public Class ReflectionExample
Inherits Page
Public Sub New()
' Create a name scope for the page.
NameScope.SetNameScope(Me, New NameScope())
Me.Background = Brushes.Black
Dim myStackPanel As New StackPanel()
myStackPanel.Margin = New Thickness(50)
Dim myReflectedBorder As New Border()
Me.RegisterName("ReflectedVisual", myReflectedBorder)
' Create a gradient background for the border.
Dim firstStop As New GradientStop()
firstStop.Offset = 0.0
Dim firstStopColor As New Color()
firstStopColor.R = 204
firstStopColor.G = 204
firstStopColor.B = 255
firstStopColor.A = 255
firstStop.Color = firstStopColor
Dim secondStop As New GradientStop()
secondStop.Offset = 1.0
secondStop.Color = Colors.White
Dim myGradientStopCollection As New GradientStopCollection()
Dim myLinearGradientBrush As New LinearGradientBrush()
myLinearGradientBrush.StartPoint = New Point(0, 0.5)
myLinearGradientBrush.EndPoint = New Point(1, 0.5)
myLinearGradientBrush.GradientStops = myGradientStopCollection
myReflectedBorder.Background = myLinearGradientBrush
' Add contents to the border.
Dim borderStackPanel As New StackPanel()
borderStackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
borderStackPanel.Margin = New Thickness(10)
Dim myTextBlock As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap
myTextBlock.Width = 200
myTextBlock.Text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit." & " Suspendisse vel ante. Donec luctus tortor sit amet est." & " Nullam pulvinar odio et wisi." & " Pellentesque quis magna. Sed pellentesque." & " Nulla euismod." & "Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas."
Dim ellipseStackPanel As New StackPanel()
Dim ellipse1 As New Ellipse()
ellipse1.Margin = New Thickness(10)
ellipse1.Height = 50
ellipse1.Width = 50
ellipse1.Fill = Brushes.Black
Dim ellipse2 As New Ellipse()
ellipse2.Margin = New Thickness(10)
ellipse2.Height = 50
ellipse2.Width = 50
ellipse2.Fill = Brushes.Black
Dim ellipse3 As New Ellipse()
ellipse3.Margin = New Thickness(10)
ellipse3.Height = 50
ellipse3.Width = 50
ellipse3.Fill = Brushes.Black
myReflectedBorder.Child = borderStackPanel
' Create divider rectangle
Dim dividerRectangle As New Rectangle()
dividerRectangle.Height = 1
dividerRectangle.Fill = Brushes.Gray
dividerRectangle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch
' Create the object to contain the reflection.
Dim reflectionRectangle As New Rectangle()
' Bind the height of the rectangle to the border height.
Dim heightBinding As New Binding()
heightBinding.ElementName = "ReflectedVisual"
heightBinding.Path = New PropertyPath(Rectangle.HeightProperty)
BindingOperations.SetBinding(reflectionRectangle, Rectangle.HeightProperty, heightBinding)
' Bind the width of the rectangle to the border width.
Dim widthBinding As New Binding()
widthBinding.ElementName = "ReflectedVisual"
widthBinding.Path = New PropertyPath(Rectangle.WidthProperty)
BindingOperations.SetBinding(reflectionRectangle, Rectangle.WidthProperty, widthBinding)
' Creates the reflection.
Dim myVisualBrush As New VisualBrush()
myVisualBrush.Opacity = 0.75
myVisualBrush.Stretch = Stretch.None
Dim reflectionBinding As New Binding()
reflectionBinding.ElementName = "ReflectedVisual"
BindingOperations.SetBinding(myVisualBrush, VisualBrush.VisualProperty, reflectionBinding)
Dim myScaleTransform As New ScaleTransform()
myScaleTransform.ScaleX = 1
myScaleTransform.ScaleY = -1
Dim myTranslateTransform As New TranslateTransform()
myTranslateTransform.Y = 1
Dim myTransformGroup As New TransformGroup()
myVisualBrush.RelativeTransform = myTransformGroup
reflectionRectangle.Fill = myVisualBrush
' Create a gradient background for the border.
Dim firstStop2 As New GradientStop()
firstStop2.Offset = 0.0
Dim c1 As New Color()
c1.R = 0
c1.G = 0
c1.B = 0
c1.A = 255
firstStop2.Color = c1
Dim secondStop2 As New GradientStop()
secondStop2.Offset = 0.5
Dim c2 As New Color()
c2.R = 0
c2.G = 0
c2.B = 0
c2.A = 51
firstStop2.Color = c2
Dim thirdStop As New GradientStop()
thirdStop.Offset = 0.75
Dim c3 As New Color()
c3.R = 0
c3.G = 0
c3.B = 0
c3.A = 0
thirdStop.Color = c3
Dim myGradientStopCollection2 As New GradientStopCollection()
Dim myLinearGradientBrush2 As New LinearGradientBrush()
myLinearGradientBrush2.StartPoint = New Point(0.5, 0)
myLinearGradientBrush2.EndPoint = New Point(0.5, 1)
myLinearGradientBrush2.GradientStops = myGradientStopCollection2
reflectionRectangle.OpacityMask = myLinearGradientBrush2
Dim myBlurBitmapEffect As New BlurBitmapEffect()
myBlurBitmapEffect.Radius = 1.5
reflectionRectangle.BitmapEffect = myBlurBitmapEffect
Me.Content = myStackPanel
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Effects;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
namespace SDKSample
public partial class ReflectionExample : Page
public ReflectionExample()
// Create a name scope for the page.
NameScope.SetNameScope(this, new NameScope());
this.Background = Brushes.Black;
StackPanel myStackPanel = new StackPanel();
myStackPanel.Margin = new Thickness(50);
Border myReflectedBorder = new Border();
this.RegisterName("ReflectedVisual", myReflectedBorder);
// Create a gradient background for the border.
GradientStop firstStop = new GradientStop();
firstStop.Offset = 0.0;
Color firstStopColor = new Color();
firstStopColor.R = 204;
firstStopColor.G = 204;
firstStopColor.B = 255;
firstStopColor.A = 255;
firstStop.Color = firstStopColor;
GradientStop secondStop = new GradientStop();
secondStop.Offset = 1.0;
secondStop.Color = Colors.White;
GradientStopCollection myGradientStopCollection = new GradientStopCollection();
LinearGradientBrush myLinearGradientBrush = new LinearGradientBrush();
myLinearGradientBrush.StartPoint = new Point(0, 0.5);
myLinearGradientBrush.EndPoint = new Point(1, 0.5);
myLinearGradientBrush.GradientStops = myGradientStopCollection;
myReflectedBorder.Background = myLinearGradientBrush;
// Add contents to the border.
StackPanel borderStackPanel = new StackPanel();
borderStackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
borderStackPanel.Margin = new Thickness(10);
TextBlock myTextBlock = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
myTextBlock.Width = 200;
myTextBlock.Text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit." +
" Suspendisse vel ante. Donec luctus tortor sit amet est." +
" Nullam pulvinar odio et wisi." +
" Pellentesque quis magna. Sed pellentesque." +
" Nulla euismod." +
"Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.";
StackPanel ellipseStackPanel = new StackPanel();
Ellipse ellipse1 = new Ellipse();
ellipse1.Margin = new Thickness(10);
ellipse1.Height = 50;
ellipse1.Width = 50;
ellipse1.Fill = Brushes.Black;
Ellipse ellipse2 = new Ellipse();
ellipse2.Margin = new Thickness(10);
ellipse2.Height = 50;
ellipse2.Width = 50;
ellipse2.Fill = Brushes.Black;
Ellipse ellipse3 = new Ellipse();
ellipse3.Margin = new Thickness(10);
ellipse3.Height = 50;
ellipse3.Width = 50;
ellipse3.Fill = Brushes.Black;
myReflectedBorder.Child = borderStackPanel;
// Create divider rectangle
Rectangle dividerRectangle = new Rectangle();
dividerRectangle.Height = 1;
dividerRectangle.Fill = Brushes.Gray;
dividerRectangle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
// Create the object to contain the reflection.
Rectangle reflectionRectangle = new Rectangle();
// Bind the height of the rectangle to the border height.
Binding heightBinding = new Binding();
heightBinding.ElementName = "ReflectedVisual";
heightBinding.Path = new PropertyPath(Rectangle.HeightProperty);
BindingOperations.SetBinding(reflectionRectangle, Rectangle.HeightProperty, heightBinding);
// Bind the width of the rectangle to the border width.
Binding widthBinding = new Binding();
widthBinding.ElementName = "ReflectedVisual";
widthBinding.Path = new PropertyPath(Rectangle.WidthProperty);
BindingOperations.SetBinding(reflectionRectangle, Rectangle.WidthProperty, widthBinding);
// Creates the reflection.
VisualBrush myVisualBrush = new VisualBrush();
myVisualBrush.Opacity = 0.75;
myVisualBrush.Stretch = Stretch.None;
Binding reflectionBinding = new Binding();
reflectionBinding.ElementName = "ReflectedVisual";
BindingOperations.SetBinding(myVisualBrush, VisualBrush.VisualProperty, reflectionBinding);
ScaleTransform myScaleTransform = new ScaleTransform();
myScaleTransform.ScaleX = 1;
myScaleTransform.ScaleY = -1;
TranslateTransform myTranslateTransform = new TranslateTransform();
myTranslateTransform.Y = 1;
TransformGroup myTransformGroup = new TransformGroup();
myVisualBrush.RelativeTransform = myTransformGroup;
reflectionRectangle.Fill = myVisualBrush;
// Create a gradient background for the border.
GradientStop firstStop2 = new GradientStop();
firstStop2.Offset = 0.0;
Color c1 = new Color();
c1.R = 0;
c1.G = 0;
c1.B = 0;
c1.A = 255;
firstStop2.Color = c1;
GradientStop secondStop2 = new GradientStop();
secondStop2.Offset = 0.5;
Color c2 = new Color();
c2.R = 0;
c2.G = 0;
c2.B = 0;
c2.A = 51;
firstStop2.Color = c2;
GradientStop thirdStop = new GradientStop();
thirdStop.Offset = 0.75;
Color c3 = new Color();
c3.R = 0;
c3.G = 0;
c3.B = 0;
c3.A = 0;
thirdStop.Color = c3;
GradientStopCollection myGradientStopCollection2 = new GradientStopCollection();
LinearGradientBrush myLinearGradientBrush2 = new LinearGradientBrush();
myLinearGradientBrush2.StartPoint = new Point(0.5, 0);
myLinearGradientBrush2.EndPoint = new Point(0.5, 1);
myLinearGradientBrush2.GradientStops = myGradientStopCollection2;
reflectionRectangle.OpacityMask = myLinearGradientBrush2;
BlurBitmapEffect myBlurBitmapEffect = new BlurBitmapEffect();
myBlurBitmapEffect.Radius = 1.5;
reflectionRectangle.BitmapEffect = myBlurBitmapEffect;
this.Content = myStackPanel;
Height="{Binding Path=ActualHeight, ElementName=ReflectedVisual}"
Width="{Binding Path=ActualWidth, ElementName=ReflectedVisual}">
<LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,0" EndPoint="0.5,1">
<GradientStop Color="#FF000000" Offset="0.0" />
<GradientStop Color="#33000000" Offset="0.5" />
<GradientStop Color="#00000000" Offset="0.75" />
<BlurBitmapEffect Radius="1.5" />
<StackPanel Margin="50">
<!-- The object to reflect. -->
<Border Name="ReflectedVisual" Width="400">
<LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0.5" EndPoint="1,0.5">
<GradientStop Offset="0.0" Color="#CCCCFF" />
<GradientStop Offset="1.0" Color="White" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="10">
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="200" Margin="10">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Suspendisse vel ante. Donec luctus tortor sit amet est.
Nullam pulvinar odio et wisi.
Pellentesque quis magna. Sed pellentesque.
Nulla euismod.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
<Ellipse Margin="10" Height="50" Width="50" Fill="Black" />
<Ellipse Margin="10" Height="50" Width="50" Fill="Black" />
<Ellipse Margin="10" Height="50" Width="50" Fill="Black" />
<Rectangle Height="1" Fill="Gray" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
<!-- The object to contain the reflection.-->
Height="{Binding Path=ActualHeight, ElementName=ReflectedVisual}"
Width="{Binding Path=ActualWidth, ElementName=ReflectedVisual}">
<!-- Creates the reflection. -->
Opacity="0.75" Stretch="None"
Visual="{Binding ElementName=ReflectedVisual}">
<!-- Flip the reflection. -->
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="-1" />
<TranslateTransform Y="1" />
<LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0.5,0" EndPoint="0.5,1">
<GradientStop Color="#FF000000" Offset="0.0" />
<GradientStop Color="#33000000" Offset="0.5" />
<GradientStop Color="#00000000" Offset="0.75" />
<BlurBitmapEffect Radius="1.5" />
Das vollständige Beispiel mit weiteren Reflektionsbeispielen sowie Beispielen zum Vergrößern von Bildschirmbereichen finden Sie unter Beispiel zu VisualBrush.