Gewusst wie: Transformieren von Punkten und Vektoren
Aktualisiert: November 2007
Dieses Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine Matrix verwenden, um Point- und Vector-Objekte zu transformieren.
private void transformExamples()
Matrix myMatrix = new Matrix(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30);
// Transform a point.
Point myPoint = new Point(15,25);
// pointResult is (475, 680).
Point pointResult = myMatrix.Transform(myPoint);
// Transform an array of points.
Point[] myPointArray = new Point[]
{new Point(15,25), new Point(30,35)};
// myPointArray[0] becomes (475, 680).
// myPointArray[1] becomes (700, 1030).
// Transform a vector.
Vector myVector = new Vector(15,25);
// vectorResult becomes (450, 650).
Vector vectorResult = myMatrix.Transform(myVector);
// Transform an array of vectors.
Vector[] myVectorArray = new Vector[]
{new Vector(15, 25), new Vector(30,35)};
// myVectorArray[0] becomes (450, 650).
// myVectorArray[1] becomes (675, 1000).