Enthält eine Auflistung von AnalysisWarning-Objekten, die das Ergebnis einer Freihandanalyse sind.
Namespace: Microsoft.Ink
Assembly: Microsoft.Ink.Analysis (in Microsoft.Ink.Analysis.dll)
Public Class AnalysisWarningCollection _
Implements ICollection, IEnumerable
Dim instance As AnalysisWarningCollection
public class AnalysisWarningCollection : ICollection,
public ref class AnalysisWarningCollection : ICollection,
public class AnalysisWarningCollection implements ICollection,
public class AnalysisWarningCollection implements ICollection, IEnumerable
Im folgenden Beispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie die Warnungen im AnalysisStatus-Objekt status in einer Schleife durchlaufen werden, wie auf die einzelnen Warnungen reagiert wird und wie die Meldungszeichenfolge message aus den Warnungsinformationen zusammengestellt wird.
' Loop through warnings
Dim warning As AnalysisWarning
For Each warning In status.Warnings
Select Case warning.WarningCode
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.Aborted
message = message & "Analysis operation was aborted. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.BackgroundException
' This is a fatal warning. Throw an exception.
' First, attempt to save as much document state as possible
' ...
' Rethrow the exception so that it can be caught by an exception
' handler (or if there is no exception handler, a program error
' debugger such as Dr. Watson can be invoked)
Throw (warning.BackgroundException)
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.ConfirmedWithoutInkRecognition
message = message & "Node was confirmed without ink recognition having been performed. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.ContextNodeLocationNotSet
message = message & "Node does not have a proper location set. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.FactoidCoercionNotSupported
message = message & "Factoid coercion failed "
If (Not warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid Is Nothing) Then
message = message & "for factoid: " & warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid & ". "
End If
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.FactoidNotSupported
If (Not warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid Is Nothing) Then
message = message & warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid & " factoid was not respected. "
End If
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.GuideNotSupported
message = message & "Guide was not respected. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.AddInkToRecognizerFailed
message = message & "Ink could not be added to the InkRecognizer. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.InkRecognizerInitializationFailed
message = message & "The InkRecognizer failed to initialize. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.NoMatchingInkRecognizerFound
message = message & "There are no ink recognizers meeting the language or capabilities needed. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.LanguageIdNotRespected
message = message & "The language ID set on a stroke did not match the language ID of the InkRecognizer. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.PartialDictionaryTermsNotSupported
message = message & "Partial dictionary terms could not be returned from the text recognizer. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.TextRecognitionProcessFailed
message = message & "The text recognition process failed. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.SetPrefixSuffixFailed
message = message & "The text recognizer was unable to respect either the prefix or suffix. "
If (Not warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not warning.AnalysisHint.PrefixText Is Nothing) Then
message = message & "Prefix: " & warning.AnalysisHint.PrefixText & ". "
End If
If (Not warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not warning.AnalysisHint.SuffixText Is Nothing) Then
message = message & "Suffix: " & warning.AnalysisHint.SuffixText & ". "
End If
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.WordlistNotSupported
message = message & "Wordlist was not respected. "
Case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.WordModeNotSupported
message = message & "Word mode was not respected. "
End Select
' Add node id information
Dim id As Guid
For Each id In warning.GetNodeIds()
message = message & "Id: " & id.ToString() & " "
Next id
' Add hint information
If Not (warning.AnalysisHint Is Nothing) Then
Dim hint As AnalysisHintNode = warning.AnalysisHint
message = message & Environment.NewLine & "Hint information: "
message = message & "AllowPartialDictionaryTerms"
If hint.AllowPartialDictionaryTerms = True Then
message = message & " = True "
message = message & " = False "
End If
message = message & "CoerceToFactoid"
If hint.CoerceToFactoid = True Then
message = message & " = True "
message = message & " = False "
End If
If Not hint.Factoid Is Nothing Then
message = message & "Factoid = " & warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid & " "
End If
If hint.Guide.DrawnBox <> Rectangle.Empty Then
message = message & "Guide Drawn Box = " & hint.Guide.DrawnBox.ToString()
End If
If hint.Guide.WritingBox <> Rectangle.Empty Then
message = message & "Guide Writing Box = " & hint.Guide.WritingBox.ToString()
End If
message = message & String.Format("Guide = ({0}, {1})", _
hint.Guide.Columns, hint.Guide.Rows)
If Not hint.Name Is Nothing Then
message = message & "Name = " & warning.AnalysisHint.Name & " "
End If
If Not hint.PrefixText Is Nothing Then
message = message & "PrefixText = " & warning.AnalysisHint.PrefixText & " "
End If
If Not hint.SuffixText Is Nothing Then
message = message & "SuffixText = " & warning.AnalysisHint.SuffixText & " "
End If
message = message & "WordMode"
If hint.WordMode = True Then
message = message & " = True"
message = message & " = False"
End If
End If
message = message & Environment.NewLine
Next warning
// Loop through warnings
foreach (AnalysisWarning warning in status.Warnings)
switch (warning.WarningCode)
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.Aborted:
message += "Analysis operation was aborted. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.BackgroundException:
// This is a fatal warning. Throw an exception.
// First, attempt to save as much doc state as possible
// ...
// Rethrow the exception so that it can be caught by an exception
// handler (or if there is no exception handler, a program error
// debugger such as Dr. Watson can be invoked)
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.ConfirmedWithoutInkRecognition:
message += "Node was confirmed without ink recognition having been performed. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.ContextNodeLocationNotSet:
message += "Node does not have a proper location set. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.FactoidCoercionNotSupported:
message += "Factoid coercion failed ";
if (warning.AnalysisHint != null && warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid != null)
message += "for factoid: " + warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid + ". ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.FactoidNotSupported:
if (warning.AnalysisHint != null && warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid != null)
message += warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid + " factoid was not respected. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.GuideNotSupported:
message += "Guide was not respected. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.AddInkToRecognizerFailed:
message += "Ink could not be added to the InkRecognizer. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.InkRecognizerInitializationFailed:
message += "The InkRecognizer failed to initialize. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.NoMatchingInkRecognizerFound:
message += "There are no ink recognizers meeting the language or capabilities needed. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.LanguageIdNotRespected:
message += "The language ID set on a stroke did not match the language ID of the InkRecognizer. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.PartialDictionaryTermsNotSupported:
message += "Partial dictionary terms could not be returned from the text recognizer. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.TextRecognitionProcessFailed:
message += "The text recognition process failed. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.SetPrefixSuffixFailed:
message += "The text recognizer was unable to respect either the prefix or suffix. ";
if (warning.AnalysisHint != null && warning.AnalysisHint.PrefixText != null)
message += "Prefix: " + warning.AnalysisHint.PrefixText + ". ";
if (warning.AnalysisHint != null && warning.AnalysisHint.SuffixText != null)
message += "Suffix: " + warning.AnalysisHint.SuffixText + ". ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.WordlistNotSupported:
message += "Wordlist was not respected. ";
case Microsoft.Ink.AnalysisWarningCode.WordModeNotSupported:
message += "Word mode was not respected. ";
// Add node id information
foreach (Guid id in warning.GetNodeIds())
message += "Id: " + id.ToString() + " ";
// Add hint information
if (warning.AnalysisHint != null)
AnalysisHintNode hint = warning.AnalysisHint;
message += Environment.NewLine + "Hint information: ";
message += "AllowPartialDictionaryTerms";
if (hint.AllowPartialDictionaryTerms)
message += " = true ";
message += " = false ";
message += "CoerceToFactoid";
if (hint.CoerceToFactoid)
message += " = true ";
message += " = false ";
if (hint.Factoid != null)
message += "Factoid = " + warning.AnalysisHint.Factoid + " ";
if (hint.Guide.DrawnBox != Rectangle.Empty)
message += "Guide Drawn Box = " + hint.Guide.DrawnBox.ToString();
if (hint.Guide.WritingBox != Rectangle.Empty)
message += "Guide Writing Box = " + hint.Guide.WritingBox.ToString();
if (hint.Name != null)
message += "Name = " + warning.AnalysisHint.Name + " ";
if (hint.PrefixText != null)
message += "PrefixText = " + warning.AnalysisHint.PrefixText + " ";
if (hint.SuffixText != null)
message += "SuffixText = " + warning.AnalysisHint.SuffixText + " ";
message += "WordMode";
if (hint.WordMode)
message += " = true";
message += " = false";
message += Environment.NewLine;
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