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How to: Animate a BorderThickness Value

This example shows how to animate changes to the thickness of a border by using the ThicknessAnimation class.


The following example animates the thickness of a border by using ThicknessAnimation. The example uses the BorderThickness property of Border.

<!-- This example shows how to use the ThicknessAnimation to create
an animation on the BorderThickness property of a Border. -->
<Page  xmlns=""
  xmlns:x="" >

  <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
    <Border Background="#99FFFFFF" BorderBrush="#CCCCFF" BorderThickness="1"
    Margin="0,60,0,20" Padding="20"  >
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Border.Loaded">

              <!-- BorderThickness animates from left=1, right=1, top=1, and bottom=1 to
              left=28, right=28, top=14, and bottom=14 over one second. -->
                Duration="0:0:1.5" FillBehavior="HoldEnd" From="1,1,1,1" To="28,14,28,14" />
        This example shows how to use the ThicknessAnimation to create
        an animation on the BorderThickness property of a Border.

For the complete sample, see Animation Example Gallery.

See Also


How to: Animate the Thickness of a Border by Using Key Frames




Animation Overview

Other Resources

Animation and Timing
Animation and Timing How-to Topics
Animation and Timing Samples