Stellt eine Deklaration eines Felds für einen Typ dar.
Namespace: System.CodeDom
Assembly: System (in system.dll)
<SerializableAttribute> _
<ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public Class CodeMemberField
Inherits CodeTypeMember
Dim instance As CodeMemberField
public class CodeMemberField : CodeTypeMember
public ref class CodeMemberField : public CodeTypeMember
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */
/** @attribute ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch) */
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */
public class CodeMemberField extends CodeTypeMember
public class CodeMemberField extends CodeTypeMember
Mit CodeMemberField kann die Deklaration eines Felds für einen Typ dargestellt werden.
Im folgenden Beispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie mit einem CodeMemberField ein Feld des Typs string mit der Bezeichnung testStringField deklariert wird.
' Declares a type to contain a field and a constructor method.
Dim type1 As New CodeTypeDeclaration("FieldTest")
' Declares a field of type String named testStringField.
Dim field1 As New CodeMemberField("System.String", "testStringField")
' Declares an empty type constructor.
Dim constructor1 As New CodeConstructor()
constructor1.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public
' A Visual Basic code generator produces the following source code for the preceeding example code:
' Public Class FieldTest
' Private TestStringField As String
' Public Sub New()
' MyBase.New()
' End Sub
' End Class
// Declares a type to contain a field and a constructor method.
CodeTypeDeclaration type1 = new CodeTypeDeclaration("FieldTest");
// Declares a field of type String named testStringField.
CodeMemberField field1 = new CodeMemberField("System.String", "TestStringField");
type1.Members.Add( field1 );
// Declares an empty type constructor.
CodeConstructor constructor1 = new CodeConstructor();
constructor1.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public;
type1.Members.Add( constructor1 );
// A C# code generator produces the following source code for the preceeding example code:
// public class FieldTest
// {
// private string testStringField;
// public FieldTest()
// {
// }
// }
// Declares a type to contain a field and a constructor method.
CodeTypeDeclaration^ type1 = gcnew CodeTypeDeclaration( "FieldTest" );
// Declares a field of type String named testStringField.
CodeMemberField^ field1 = gcnew CodeMemberField( "System.String","TestStringField" );
type1->Members->Add( field1 );
// Declares an empty type constructor.
CodeConstructor^ constructor1 = gcnew CodeConstructor;
constructor1->Attributes = MemberAttributes::Public;
type1->Members->Add( constructor1 );
// A C# code generator produces the following source code for the preceeding example code:
// public class FieldTest
// {
// private string testStringField;
// public FieldTest()
// {
// }
// }
// Declares a type to contain a field and a constructor method.
CodeTypeDeclaration type1 = new CodeTypeDeclaration("FieldTest");
// Declares a field of type String named testStringField.
CodeMemberField field1 = new CodeMemberField("System.String",
// Declares an empty type constructor.
CodeConstructor constructor1 = new CodeConstructor();
// A VJ# code generator produces the following source code for the
// preceeding example code:
// public class FieldTest
// {
// private String testStringField;
// public FieldTest()
// {
// } //FieldTest
// } //FieldTest
' This example demonstrates declaring a public constant type member field.
' When declaring a public constant type member field, you must set a particular
' access and scope mask to the member attributes of the field in order for the
' code generator to properly generate the field as a constant field.
' Declares an integer field using a CodeMemberField
Dim constPublicField As New CodeMemberField(GetType(Integer), "testConstPublicField")
' Resets the access and scope mask bit flags of the member attributes of the field
' before setting the member attributes of the field to public and constant.
constPublicField.Attributes = constPublicField.Attributes And Not MemberAttributes.AccessMask And Not MemberAttributes.ScopeMask Or MemberAttributes.Public Or MemberAttributes.Const
// This example demonstrates declaring a public constant type member field.
// When declaring a public constant type member field, you must set a particular
// access and scope mask to the member attributes of the field in order for the
// code generator to properly generate the field as a constant field.
// Declares an integer field using a CodeMemberField
CodeMemberField constPublicField = new CodeMemberField(typeof(int), "testConstPublicField");
// Resets the access and scope mask bit flags of the member attributes of the field
// before setting the member attributes of the field to public and constant.
constPublicField.Attributes = (constPublicField.Attributes & ~MemberAttributes.AccessMask & ~MemberAttributes.ScopeMask) | MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Const;
// This example demonstrates declaring a public constant type member field.
// When declaring a public constant type member field, you must set a particular
// access and scope mask to the member attributes of the field in order for the
// code generator to properly generate the field as a constant field.
// Declares an integer field using a CodeMemberField
CodeMemberField^ constPublicField = gcnew CodeMemberField( int::typeid,"testConstPublicField" );
// Resets the access and scope mask bit flags of the member attributes of the field
// before setting the member attributes of the field to public and constant.
constPublicField->Attributes = (MemberAttributes)((constPublicField->Attributes & ~MemberAttributes::AccessMask & ~MemberAttributes::ScopeMask) | MemberAttributes::Public | MemberAttributes::Const);
Alle öffentlichen statischen (Shared in Visual Basic) Member dieses Typs sind threadsicher. Bei Instanzmembern ist die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.
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.NET Framework
Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0