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Stellt die Anzahl der Ticks pro Sekunde dar.

Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


Public Const TicksPerSecond As Long
Dim value As Long

value = TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond
public const long TicksPerSecond
literal long long TicksPerSecond
public static final long TicksPerSecond
public const var TicksPerSecond : long


Der Wert dieser Konstanten ist 10 Millionen, d. h. 10.000.000.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird auf das TicksPerSecond-Feld verwiesen und der Wert des Felds angezeigt.

' Example of the TimeSpan fields.
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Module TimeSpanFieldsDemo
    ' Pad the end of a TimeSpan string with spaces if it does not 
    ' contain milliseconds.
    Function Align( interval As TimeSpan ) As String

        Dim intervalStr As String = interval.ToString( )
        Dim pointIndex  As Integer = intervalStr.IndexOf( ":"c )

        pointIndex = intervalStr.IndexOf( "."c, pointIndex )
        If pointIndex < 0 Then intervalStr &= "        "
        Align = intervalStr
    End Function
    Sub Main( )

        Const numberFmt As String = "{0,-22}{1,18:N0}"
        Const timeFmt As String = "{0,-22}{1,26}"

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the fields of the TimeSpan class" & _
            vbCrLf & "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Field", "Value" )
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "-----", "-----" )

        ' Display the maximum, minimum, and zero TimeSpan values.
        Console.WriteLine( timeFmt, "Maximum TimeSpan", _
            Align( TimeSpan.MaxValue ) )
        Console.WriteLine( timeFmt, "Minimum TimeSpan", _
            Align( TimeSpan.MinValue ) )
        Console.WriteLine( timeFmt, "Zero TimeSpan", _
            Align( TimeSpan.Zero ) )
        Console.WriteLine( )

        ' Display the ticks-per-time-unit fields.
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per day", _
            TimeSpan.TicksPerDay )
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per hour", _
            TimeSpan.TicksPerHour )
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per minute", _
            TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute )
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per second", _
            TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond )
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per millisecond", _
            TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of the fields of the TimeSpan class
' generates the following output.
' Field                              Value
' -----                              -----
' Maximum TimeSpan       10675199.02:48:05.4775807
' Minimum TimeSpan      -10675199.02:48:05.4775808
' Zero TimeSpan                   00:00:00
' Ticks per day            864,000,000,000
' Ticks per hour            36,000,000,000
' Ticks per minute             600,000,000
' Ticks per second              10,000,000
' Ticks per millisecond             10,000
// Example of the TimeSpan fields.
using System;

class TimeSpanFieldsDemo
    // Pad the end of a TimeSpan string with spaces if it does not 
    // contain milliseconds.
    static string Align( TimeSpan interval )
        string  intervalStr = interval.ToString( );
        int     pointIndex = intervalStr.IndexOf( ':' );

        pointIndex = intervalStr.IndexOf( '.', pointIndex );
        if( pointIndex < 0 ) intervalStr += "        ";
        return intervalStr;

    static void Main( )
        const string numberFmt = "{0,-22}{1,18:N0}" ;
        const string timeFmt = "{0,-22}{1,26}" ;

            "This example of the fields of the TimeSpan class" +
            "\ngenerates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Field", "Value" );
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "-----", "-----" );

        // Display the maximum, minimum, and zero TimeSpan values.
        Console.WriteLine( timeFmt, "Maximum TimeSpan", 
            Align( TimeSpan.MaxValue ) );
        Console.WriteLine( timeFmt, "Minimum TimeSpan", 
            Align( TimeSpan.MinValue ) );
        Console.WriteLine( timeFmt, "Zero TimeSpan", 
            Align( TimeSpan.Zero ) );
        Console.WriteLine( );

        // Display the ticks-per-time-unit fields.
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per day", 
            TimeSpan.TicksPerDay );
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per hour", 
            TimeSpan.TicksPerHour );
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per minute", 
            TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute );
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per second", 
            TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond );
        Console.WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per millisecond", 
            TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond );

This example of the fields of the TimeSpan class
generates the following output.

Field                              Value
-----                              -----
Maximum TimeSpan       10675199.02:48:05.4775807
Minimum TimeSpan      -10675199.02:48:05.4775808
Zero TimeSpan                   00:00:00

Ticks per day            864,000,000,000
Ticks per hour            36,000,000,000
Ticks per minute             600,000,000
Ticks per second              10,000,000
Ticks per millisecond             10,000
// Example of the TimeSpan fields.
using namespace System;

// Pad the end of a TimeSpan string with spaces if it does not 
// contain milliseconds.
String^ Align( TimeSpan interval )
   String^ intervalStr = interval.ToString();
   int pointIndex = intervalStr->IndexOf( ':' );
   pointIndex = intervalStr->IndexOf( '.', pointIndex );
   if ( pointIndex < 0 )
      intervalStr = String::Concat( intervalStr, "        " );

   return intervalStr;

int main()
   String^ numberFmt = "{0,-22}{1,18:N0}";
   String^ timeFmt = "{0,-22}{1,26}";
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the fields of the TimeSpan class"
   "\ngenerates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( numberFmt, "Field", "Value" );
   Console::WriteLine( numberFmt, "-----", "-----" );
   // Display the maximum, minimum, and zero TimeSpan values.
   Console::WriteLine( timeFmt, "Maximum TimeSpan", Align( TimeSpan::MaxValue ) );
   Console::WriteLine( timeFmt, "Minimum TimeSpan", Align( TimeSpan::MinValue ) );
   Console::WriteLine( timeFmt, "Zero TimeSpan", Align( TimeSpan::Zero ) );
   // Display the ticks-per-time-unit fields.
   Console::WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per day", TimeSpan::TicksPerDay );
   Console::WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per hour", TimeSpan::TicksPerHour );
   Console::WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per minute", TimeSpan::TicksPerMinute );
   Console::WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per second", TimeSpan::TicksPerSecond );
   Console::WriteLine( numberFmt, "Ticks per millisecond", TimeSpan::TicksPerMillisecond );

This example of the fields of the TimeSpan class
generates the following output.

Field                              Value
-----                              -----
Maximum TimeSpan       10675199.02:48:05.4775807
Minimum TimeSpan      -10675199.02:48:05.4775808
Zero TimeSpan                   00:00:00

Ticks per day            864,000,000,000
Ticks per hour            36,000,000,000
Ticks per minute             600,000,000
Ticks per second              10,000,000
Ticks per millisecond             10,000
// Example of the TimeSpan fields.
import System.*;

class TimeSpanFieldsDemo
    // Pad the end of a TimeSpan string with spaces if it does not 
    // contain milliseconds.
    static String Align(TimeSpan interval)
        String intervalStr = interval.ToString();
        int pointIndex = intervalStr.IndexOf(':');

        pointIndex = intervalStr.IndexOf('.', pointIndex);
        if (pointIndex < 0) {
            intervalStr += "        ";
        return intervalStr;
    } //Align

    public static void main(String[] args)
        final String numberFmt = "{0,-22}{1,18}";
        final String timeFmt = "{0,-22}{1,26}";

        Console.WriteLine(("This example of the fields of the TimeSpan class" 
            + "\ngenerates the following output.\n"));
        Console.WriteLine(numberFmt, "Field", "Value");
        Console.WriteLine(numberFmt, "-----", "-----");

        // Display the maximum, minimum, and zero TimeSpan values.
        Console.WriteLine(timeFmt, "Maximum TimeSpan", 
        Console.WriteLine(timeFmt, "Minimum TimeSpan",
        Console.WriteLine(timeFmt, "Zero TimeSpan", Align(TimeSpan.Zero));

        // Display the ticks-per-time-unit fields.
        Console.WriteLine(numberFmt, "Ticks per day", 
        Console.WriteLine(numberFmt, "Ticks per hour", 
        Console.WriteLine(numberFmt, "Ticks per minute", 
        Console.WriteLine(numberFmt, "Ticks per second", 
        Console.WriteLine(numberFmt, "Ticks per millisecond", 
    } //main
} //TimeSpanFieldsDemo

This example of the fields of the TimeSpan class
generates the following output.

Field                              Value
-----                              -----
Maximum TimeSpan       10675199.02:48:05.4775807
Minimum TimeSpan      -10675199.02:48:05.4775808
Zero TimeSpan                   00:00:00

Ticks per day            864,000,000,000
Ticks per hour            36,000,000,000
Ticks per minute             600,000,000
Ticks per second              10,000,000
Ticks per millisecond             10,000


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile für Pocket PC, Windows Mobile für Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

.NET Compact Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.0

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