Ein Encoder-Objekt, das der GUID für die Farbtiefe-Parameterkategorie initialisiert wird.
Namespace: System.Drawing.Imaging
Assembly: System.Drawing (in system.drawing.dll)
Public Shared ReadOnly ColorDepth As Encoder
Dim value As Encoder
value = Encoder.ColorDepth
public static readonly Encoder ColorDepth
static initonly Encoder^ ColorDepth
public static final Encoder ColorDepth
public static final var ColorDepth : Encoder
Im folgenden Beispiel wird ein Bitmap-Objekt aus einer BMP-Datei erstellt. Das Bild wird als TIFF-Datei mit einer Farbtiefe von 24 Bit pro Pixel gespeichert.
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Class Example_SetColorDepth
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim myBitmap As Bitmap
Dim myImageCodecInfo As ImageCodecInfo
Dim myEncoder As Encoder
Dim myEncoderParameter As EncoderParameter
Dim myEncoderParameters As EncoderParameters
' Create a Bitmap object based on a BMP file.
myBitmap = New Bitmap("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music\music.bmp")
' Get an ImageCodecInfo object that represents the TIFF codec.
myImageCodecInfo = GetEncoderInfo("image/tiff")
' Create an Encoder object based on the GUID
' for the ColorDepth parameter category.
myEncoder = Encoder.ColorDepth
' Create an EncoderParameters object.
' An EncoderParameters object has an array of EncoderParameter
' objects. In this case, there is only one
' EncoderParameter object in the array.
myEncoderParameters = New EncoderParameters(1)
' Save the image with a color depth of 24 bits per pixel.
myEncoderParameter = New EncoderParameter(myEncoder, CType(24L, Int32))
myEncoderParameters.Param(0) = myEncoderParameter
myBitmap.Save("Shapes24bpp.tiff", myImageCodecInfo, myEncoderParameters)
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetEncoderInfo(ByVal mimeType As String) As ImageCodecInfo
Dim j As Integer
Dim encoders() As ImageCodecInfo
encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()
j = 0
While j < encoders.Length
If encoders(j).MimeType = mimeType Then
Return encoders(j)
End If
j += 1
End While
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
class Example_SetColorDepth
public static void Main()
Bitmap myBitmap;
ImageCodecInfo myImageCodecInfo;
Encoder myEncoder;
EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter;
EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters;
// Create a Bitmap object based on a BMP file.
myBitmap = new Bitmap(@"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music\music.bmp");
// Get an ImageCodecInfo object that represents the TIFF codec.
myImageCodecInfo = GetEncoderInfo("image/tiff");
// Create an Encoder object based on the GUID
// for the ColorDepth parameter category.
myEncoder = Encoder.ColorDepth;
// Create an EncoderParameters object.
// An EncoderParameters object has an array of EncoderParameter
// objects. In this case, there is only one
// EncoderParameter object in the array.
myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
// Save the image with a color depth of 24 bits per pixel.
myEncoderParameter =
new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, 24L);
myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter;
myBitmap.Save("Shapes24bpp.tiff", myImageCodecInfo, myEncoderParameters);
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoderInfo(String mimeType)
int j;
ImageCodecInfo[] encoders;
encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
for(j = 0; j < encoders.Length; ++j)
if(encoders[j].MimeType == mimeType)
return encoders[j];
return null;
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Drawing::Imaging;
static ImageCodecInfo^ GetEncoderInfo( String^ mimeType );
int main()
Bitmap^ myBitmap;
ImageCodecInfo^ myImageCodecInfo;
Encoder^ myEncoder;
EncoderParameter^ myEncoderParameter;
EncoderParameters^ myEncoderParameters;
// Create a Bitmap object based on a BMP file.
myBitmap = gcnew Bitmap( "C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Documents\\My Music\\music.bmp" );
// Get an ImageCodecInfo object that represents the TIFF codec.
myImageCodecInfo = GetEncoderInfo( "image/tiff" );
// Create an Encoder object based on the GUID
// for the ColorDepth parameter category.
myEncoder = Encoder::ColorDepth;
// Create an EncoderParameters object.
// An EncoderParameters object has an array of EncoderParameter
// objects. In this case, there is only one
// EncoderParameter object in the array.
myEncoderParameters = gcnew EncoderParameters( 1 );
// Save the image with a color depth of 24 bits per pixel.
myEncoderParameter = gcnew EncoderParameter( myEncoder,__int64(24) );
myEncoderParameters->Param[ 0 ] = myEncoderParameter;
myBitmap->Save( "Shapes24bpp.tiff", myImageCodecInfo, myEncoderParameters );
static ImageCodecInfo^ GetEncoderInfo( String^ mimeType )
int j;
encoders = ImageCodecInfo::GetImageEncoders();
for ( j = 0; j < encoders->Length; ++j )
if ( encoders[ j ]->MimeType == mimeType )
return encoders[ j ];
return nullptr;
import System.* ;
import System.Drawing.* ;
import System.Drawing.Imaging.* ;
class Example_SetColorDepth
public static void main(String[] args)
Bitmap myBitmap;
ImageCodecInfo myImageCodecInfo;
Encoder myEncoder;
EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter;
EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters;
// Create a Bitmap object based on a BMP file.
myBitmap = new Bitmap("C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users"
+ "\\Documents\\My Music\\music.bmp");
// Get an ImageCodecInfo object that represents the TIFF codec.
myImageCodecInfo = GetEncoderInfo("image/tiff");
// Create an Encoder object based on the GUID
// for the ColorDepth parameter category.
myEncoder = Encoder.ColorDepth;
// Create an EncoderParameters object.
// An EncoderParameters object has an array of EncoderParameter
// objects. In this case, there is only one
// EncoderParameter object in the array.
myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
// Save the image with a color depth of 24 bits per pixel.
myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, 24L);
myEncoderParameters.get_Param().set_Item( 0 , myEncoderParameter );
myBitmap.Save("Shapes24bpp.tiff", myImageCodecInfo,
} //main
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoderInfo(String mimeType)
int j;
ImageCodecInfo encoders[];
encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
for (j = 0; j < encoders.length; j++) {
if ( encoders[j].get_MimeType().Equals(mimeType)) {
return encoders[j];
return null ;
} //GetEncoderInfo
} //Example_SetColorDepth
Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition
.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.
.NET Framework
Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0
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