Gibt an, ob der ASP.NET-Cache Cache-Control-HTTP-Header ignorieren sollte, die vom Client gesendet wurden, der den Cache für ungültig erklärt.
Namespace: System.Web
Assembly: System.Web (in system.web.dll)
Public Sub SetValidUntilExpires ( _
validUntilExpires As Boolean _
Dim instance As HttpCachePolicy
Dim validUntilExpires As Boolean
public void SetValidUntilExpires (
bool validUntilExpires
void SetValidUntilExpires (
bool validUntilExpires
public void SetValidUntilExpires (
boolean validUntilExpires
public function SetValidUntilExpires (
validUntilExpires : boolean
- validUntilExpires
true, wenn der Cache ungültige Cache-Control-Header ignoriert, andernfalls false.
Die SetValidUntilExpires-Methode wird automatisch auf true festgelegt, wenn die <%@ OutputCache … %>-Seitendirektive auf hoher Ebene verwendet wird.
Diese Methode steht zur Verfügung, weil einige Browser beim Aktualisieren einer Seitenansicht ungültige HTTP-Cacheheader an den Webserver senden und die Seite aus dem Cache entfernen. Wenn der validUntilExpires-Parameter auf true festgelegt ist, ignoriert ASP.NET ungültige Cacheheader, und die Seite bleibt zwischengespeichert, bis sie abgelaufen ist.
Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird veranschaulicht, wie mithilfe der SetValidUntilExpires-Methode angewiesen wird, dass alle ungültigen, vom Client gesendeten Cacheheader ignoriert werden.
<script language="VB" runat="server">
' The following example demonstrates the SetValidUntilExpires method of the
' HttpCachePolicy class. The SetValidUntilExpires method is set to true so that
' the ASP.NET cache ignores the HTTP Cache-Control headers and the page remains
' in the cache until it expires.
Sub Page_Load(Sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
' Set the expiration time for the page.
' Set the VaryByHeaders attribute with the value Accept-Language to true.
Response.Cache.VaryByHeaders("Accept-Language") = True
' ASP.NET ignores cache invalidation headers and the page remains in
' the cache until it expires.
Response.Write("The SetValidUntilExpires method is set to true and the ASP.NET cache will " _
& " ignore the Cache-Control headers sent by the client that invalidate the cache.")
End Sub 'Page_Load
<script language="C#" runat="server">
// The following example demonstrates the SetValidUntilExpires method of the
// HttpCachePolicy class. The SetValidUntilExpires method is set to true so
// that the ASP.NET cache ignores the HTTP Cache-Control headers and the page
// remains in the cache until it expires.
void Page_Load(object Sender, EventArgs e)
// Set the expiration time for the page.
// Set the VaryByHeaders attribute with the value Accept-Language to true.
Response.Cache.VaryByHeaders["Accept-Language"] = true;
// ASP.NET ignores cache invalidation headers and the page remains in
// the cache until it expires.
Response.Write("The SetValidUntilExpires method is set to true and ASP.NET cache should " +
"ignore the Cache-Control headers sent by the client that invalidate the cache.");
// The following example demonstrates the SetValidUntilExpires method of the
// HttpCachePolicy class. The SetValidUntilExpires method is set to true so
// that the ASP.NET cache ignores the HTTP Cache-Control headers and the page
// remains in the cache until it expires.
void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set the expiration time for the page.
// Set the VaryByHeaders attribute with the value Accept-Language to true.
"Accept-Language" , true );
// ASP.NET ignores cache invalidation headers and the page remains in
// the cache until it expires.
get_Response().Write("The SetValidUntilExpires method is set to true"
+" and ASP.NET cache should ignore the Cache-Control headers sent"
+" by the client that invalidate the cache.");
} //Page_Load
Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition
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.NET Framework
Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0
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