Ruft das Bytearray ab, das das aktuelle SortKey-Objekt darstellt.
Namespace: System.Globalization
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property KeyData As Byte()
Dim instance As SortKey
Dim value As Byte()
value = instance.KeyData
public virtual byte[] KeyData { get; }
virtual property array<unsigned char>^ KeyData {
array<unsigned char>^ get ();
/** @property */
public byte[] get_KeyData ()
public function get KeyData () : byte[]
Ein Bytearray, das das aktuelle SortKey-Objekt darstellt.
Im folgenden Codebeispiel werden eine Zeichenfolge, die entsprechende Zeichenfolge und die Schlüsseldaten eines Sortierschlüssels bei Berücksichtigung der Groß- und Kleinschreibung sowie die entsprechende Zeichenfolge sowie die Schlüsseldaten eines Sortierschlüssels ohne Berücksichtigung der Groß- und Kleinschreibung angezeigt.
' This code example demonstrates the
' GetSortKey() and ToString() methods, and the
' OriginalString and KeyData properties of the
' System.Globalization.SortKey class.
Imports System
Imports System.Globalization
Class Sample
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim cmpi As CompareInfo = Nothing
Dim sk1 As SortKey = Nothing
Dim sk2 As SortKey = Nothing
Dim s As String = "ABC"
Dim ignoreCase As String = "Ignore case"
Dim useCase As String = "Use case "
' Get a CompareInfo object for the English-Great Britain culture.
cmpi = CompareInfo.GetCompareInfo("en-GB")
' Get a sort key that ignores case for the specified string.
sk1 = cmpi.GetSortKey(s, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)
' Get a sort key with no compare option for the specified string.
sk2 = cmpi.GetSortKey(s)
' Display the original string.
Console.WriteLine("Original string: ""{0}""", sk1.OriginalString)
' Display the the string equivalent of the two sort keys.
Console.WriteLine("CompareInfo (culture) name: {0}", cmpi.Name)
Console.WriteLine("ToString - {0}: ""{1}""", ignoreCase, sk1.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("ToString - {0}: ""{1}""", useCase, sk2.ToString())
' Display the key data of the two sort keys.
DisplayKeyData(sk1, ignoreCase)
DisplayKeyData(sk2, useCase)
End Sub 'Main
Public Shared Sub DisplayKeyData(ByVal sk As SortKey, ByVal title As String)
Console.Write("Key Data - {0}: ", title)
Dim keyDatum As UInteger
For Each keyDatum In sk.KeyData
Console.Write("0x{0} ", CUInt(keyDatum))
Next keyDatum
End Sub 'DisplayKeyData
End Class 'Sample
'This code example produces the following results:
'Original string: "ABC"
'CompareInfo (culture) name: en-GB
'ToString - Ignore case: "SortKey - 2057, IgnoreCase, ABC"
'ToString - Use case : "SortKey - 2057, None, ABC"
'Key Data - Ignore case: 0x14 0x2 0x14 0x9 0x14 0x10 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x0
'Key Data - Use case : 0x14 0x2 0x14 0x9 0x14 0x10 0x1 0x1 0x18 0x18 0x18 0x1 0x1 0x0
// This code example demonstrates the
// GetSortKey() and ToString() methods, and the
// OriginalString and KeyData properties of the
// System.Globalization.SortKey class.
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class Sample
public static void Main()
CompareInfo cmpi = null;
SortKey sk1 = null;
SortKey sk2 = null;
string s = "ABC";
string ignoreCase = "Ignore case";
string useCase = "Use case ";
// Get a CompareInfo object for the English-Great Britain culture.
cmpi = CompareInfo.GetCompareInfo("en-GB");
// Get a sort key that ignores case for the specified string.
sk1 = cmpi.GetSortKey(s, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase);
// Get a sort key with no compare option for the specified string.
sk2 = cmpi.GetSortKey(s);
// Display the original string.
Console.WriteLine("Original string: \"{0}\"", sk1.OriginalString);
// Display the the string equivalent of the two sort keys.
Console.WriteLine("CompareInfo (culture) name: {0}", cmpi.Name);
Console.WriteLine("ToString - {0}: \"{1}\"", ignoreCase, sk1.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("ToString - {0}: \"{1}\"", useCase, sk2.ToString());
// Display the key data of the two sort keys.
DisplayKeyData(sk1, ignoreCase);
DisplayKeyData(sk2, useCase);
public static void DisplayKeyData(SortKey sk, string title)
Console.Write("Key Data - {0}: ", title);
foreach (byte keyDatum in sk.KeyData)
Console.Write("0x{0} ", (uint)keyDatum);
This code example produces the following results:
Original string: "ABC"
CompareInfo (culture) name: en-GB
ToString - Ignore case: "SortKey - 2057, IgnoreCase, ABC"
ToString - Use case : "SortKey - 2057, None, ABC"
Key Data - Ignore case: 0x14 0x2 0x14 0x9 0x14 0x10 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x0
Key Data - Use case : 0x14 0x2 0x14 0x9 0x14 0x10 0x1 0x1 0x18 0x18 0x18 0x1 0x1 0x0
Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition
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.NET Framework
Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0
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