Gibt den Namen der Anwendung oder des Objekts zurück, das den Fehler verursacht hat, oder legt diesen fest.
Namespace: System
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Public Overridable Property Source As String
Dim instance As Exception
Dim value As String
value = instance.Source
instance.Source = value
public virtual string Source { get; set; }
virtual property String^ Source {
String^ get ();
void set (String^ value);
/** @property */
public String get_Source ()
/** @property */
public void set_Source (String value)
public function get Source () : String
public function set Source (value : String)
Der Name der Anwendung oder des Objekts, das den Fehler verursacht hat.
Wenn Source nicht festgelegt ist, wird der Name der Assembly zurückgegeben, in der die Ausnahme aufgetreten ist.
Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird eine Exception ausgelöst, in deren Konstruktor die Source-Eigenschaft festgelegt wird. Anschließend wird die Ausnahme abgefangen, und Source wird angezeigt.
' Example for the Exception.HelpLink, Exception.Source,
' Exception.StackTrace, and Exception.TargetSite properties.
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Namespace NDP_UE_VB
' Derive an exception; the constructor sets the HelpLink and
' Source properties.
Class LogTableOverflowException
Inherits Exception
Private Const overflowMessage As String = _
"The log table has overflowed."
Public Sub New( auxMessage As String, inner As Exception )
MyBase.New( String.Format( "{0} - {1}", _
overflowMessage, auxMessage ), inner )
Me.HelpLink = "https://msdn.microsoft.com"
Me.Source = "Exception_Class_Samples"
End Sub ' New
End Class ' LogTableOverflowException
Class LogTable
Public Sub New(numElements As Integer)
logArea = New String(numElements) {}
elemInUse = 0
End Sub ' New
Protected logArea() As String
Protected elemInUse As Integer
' The AddRecord method throws a derived exception if
' the array bounds exception is caught.
Public Function AddRecord( newRecord As String ) As Integer
Dim curElement as Integer = elemInUse
logArea( elemInUse ) = newRecord
elemInUse += 1
Return curElement
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New LogTableOverflowException( _
String.Format( "Record ""{0}"" was not logged.", _
newRecord ), ex )
End Try
End Function ' AddRecord
End Class ' LogTable
Module OverflowDemo
' Create a log table and force an overflow.
Sub Main( )
Dim log As New LogTable( 4 )
Console.WriteLine( "This example of " & vbCrLf & _
" Exception.Message, " & vbCrLf & _
" Exception.HelpLink, " & vbCrLf & _
" Exception.Source, " & vbCrLf & _
" Exception.StackTrace, and " & vbCrLf & _
" Exception.TargetSite " & vbCrLf & _
"generates the following output." )
Dim count As Integer = 0
log.AddRecord( _
String.Format( "Log record number {0}", count ) )
count += 1
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
"Message ---" & vbCrLf & ex.Message )
Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
"HelpLink ---" & vbCrLf & ex.HelpLink )
Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
"Source ---" & vbCrLf & ex.Source )
Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
"StackTrace ---" & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace )
Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & "TargetSite ---" & _
vbCrLf & ex.TargetSite.ToString( ) )
End Try
End Sub ' Main
End Module ' OverflowDemo
End Namespace ' NDP_UE_VB
' This example of
' Exception.Message,
' Exception.HelpLink,
' Exception.Source,
' Exception.StackTrace, and
' Exception.TargetSite
' generates the following output.
' Message ---
' The log table has overflowed. - Record "Log record number 5" was not logged.
' HelpLink ---
' https://msdn.microsoft.com
' Source ---
' Exception_Class_Samples
' StackTrace ---
' at NDP_UE_VB.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord)
' at NDP_UE_VB.OverflowDemo.Main()
' TargetSite ---
' Int32 AddRecord(System.String)
// Example for the Exception.HelpLink, Exception.Source,
// Exception.StackTrace, and Exception.TargetSite properties.
using System;
namespace NDP_UE_CS
// Derive an exception; the constructor sets the HelpLink and
// Source properties.
class LogTableOverflowException : Exception
const string overflowMessage = "The log table has overflowed.";
public LogTableOverflowException(
string auxMessage, Exception inner ) :
base( String.Format( "{0} - {1}",
overflowMessage, auxMessage ), inner )
this.HelpLink = "https://msdn.microsoft.com";
this.Source = "Exception_Class_Samples";
class LogTable
public LogTable( int numElements )
logArea = new string[ numElements ];
elemInUse = 0;
protected string[ ] logArea;
protected int elemInUse;
// The AddRecord method throws a derived exception if
// the array bounds exception is caught.
public int AddRecord( string newRecord )
logArea[ elemInUse ] = newRecord;
return elemInUse++;
catch( Exception e )
throw new LogTableOverflowException(
String.Format( "Record \"{0}\" was not logged.",
newRecord ), e );
class OverflowDemo
// Create a log table and force an overflow.
public static void Main()
LogTable log = new LogTable( 4 );
"This example of \n Exception.Message, \n" +
" Exception.HelpLink, \n Exception.Source, \n" +
" Exception.StackTrace, and \n Exception." +
"TargetSite \ngenerates the following output." );
for( int count = 1; ; count++ )
"Log record number {0}", count ) );
catch( Exception ex )
Console.WriteLine( "\nMessage ---\n{0}", ex.Message );
"\nHelpLink ---\n{0}", ex.HelpLink );
Console.WriteLine( "\nSource ---\n{0}", ex.Source );
"\nStackTrace ---\n{0}", ex.StackTrace );
"\nTargetSite ---\n{0}", ex.TargetSite );
This example of
Exception.StackTrace, and
generates the following output.
Message ---
The log table has overflowed. - Record "Log record number 5" was not logged.
HelpLink ---
Source ---
StackTrace ---
at NDP_UE_CS.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord)
at NDP_UE_CS.OverflowDemo.Main()
TargetSite ---
Int32 AddRecord(System.String)
// Example for the Exception::HelpLink, Exception::Source,
// Exception::StackTrace, and Exception::TargetSite properties.
using namespace System;
namespace NDP_UE_CPP
// Derive an exception; the constructor sets the HelpLink and
// Source properties.
public ref class LogTableOverflowException: public Exception
static String^ overflowMessage = "The log table has overflowed.";
LogTableOverflowException( String^ auxMessage, Exception^ inner )
: Exception( String::Format( "{0} - {1}", overflowMessage, auxMessage ), inner )
this->HelpLink = "https://msdn.microsoft.com";
this->Source = "Exception_Class_Samples";
public ref class LogTable
LogTable( int numElements )
logArea = gcnew array<String^>(numElements);
elemInUse = 0;
int elemInUse;
// The AddRecord method throws a derived exception if
// the array bounds exception is caught.
int AddRecord( String^ newRecord )
logArea[ elemInUse ] = newRecord;
return elemInUse++;
catch ( Exception^ ex )
throw gcnew LogTableOverflowException( String::Format( "Record \"{0}\" was not logged.", newRecord ),ex );
// Create a log table and force an overflow.
void ForceOverflow()
LogTable^ log = gcnew LogTable( 4 );
for ( int count = 1; ; count++ )
log->AddRecord( String::Format( "Log record number {0}", count ) );
catch ( Exception^ ex )
Console::WriteLine( "\nMessage ---\n{0}", ex->Message );
Console::WriteLine( "\nHelpLink ---\n{0}", ex->HelpLink );
Console::WriteLine( "\nSource ---\n{0}", ex->Source );
Console::WriteLine( "\nStackTrace ---\n{0}", ex->StackTrace );
Console::WriteLine( "\nTargetSite ---\n{0}", ex->TargetSite->ToString() );
int main()
Console::WriteLine( "This example of \n Exception::Message, \n"
" Exception::HelpLink, \n Exception::Source, \n"
" Exception::StackTrace, and \n Exception::"
"TargetSite \ngenerates the following output." );
This example of
Exception::StackTrace, and
generates the following output.
Message ---
The log table has overflowed. - Record "Log record number 5" was not logged.
HelpLink ---
Source ---
StackTrace ---
at NDP_UE_CPP.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord)
at NDP_UE_CPP.ForceOverflow()
TargetSite ---
Int32 AddRecord(System.String)
// Example for the Exception.HelpLink, Exception.Source,
// Exception.StackTrace, and Exception.TargetSite properties.
package NDP_UE_JSL;
import System.* ;
// Derive an exception; the constructor sets the HelpLink and
// Source properties.
class LogTableOverflowException extends System.Exception
private String overflowMessage = "The log table has overflowed.";
public LogTableOverflowException(System.String auxMessage,
System.Exception inner)
super(String.Format("The log table has overflowed. - {0}",
auxMessage), inner);
} //LogTableOverflowException
} //LogTableOverflowException
class LogTable
public LogTable(int numElements)
logArea = new String[numElements];
elemInUse = 0;
} //LogTable
protected String logArea[];
protected int elemInUse;
// The AddRecord method throws a derived exception if
// the array bounds exception is caught.
public int AddRecord(String newRecord) throws LogTableOverflowException
try {
logArea.set_Item(elemInUse, newRecord);
return elemInUse++;
catch (System.Exception e) {
throw new LogTableOverflowException(
String.Format("Record \"{0}\" was not logged.", newRecord), e);
} //AddRecord
} //LogTable
class OverflowDemo
// Create a log table and force an overflow.
public static void main(String[] args)
LogTable log = new LogTable(4);
Console.WriteLine(("This example of \n Exception.Message, \n"
+ " Exception.HelpLink, \n Exception.Source, \n"
+ " Exception.StackTrace, and \n Exception."
+ "TargetSite \ngenerates the following output."));
try {
for (int count = 1; ; count++) {
log.AddRecord(String.Format("Log record number {0}",
catch (System.Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine("\nMessage ---\n{0}", ex.get_Message());
Console.WriteLine("\nHelpLink ---\n{0}", ex.get_HelpLink());
Console.WriteLine("\nSource ---\n{0}", ex.get_Source());
Console.WriteLine("\nStackTrace ---\n{0}", ex.get_StackTrace());
Console.WriteLine("\nTargetSite ---\n{0}", ex.get_TargetSite());
} //main
} //OverflowDemo
Exception.StackTrace, and
generates the following output.
Message ---
The log table has overflowed. - Record "Log record number 5" was not logged.
HelpLink ---
Source ---
StackTrace ---
at NDP_UE_JSL.LogTable.AddRecord(String newRecord) in D:\Test\ConsoleApplicat
ion7\ConsoleApplication7\Class1.jsl:line 45
at NDP_UE_JSL.OverflowDemo.main(String[] args) in D:\Test\ConsoleApplication7
\ConsoleApplication7\Class1.jsl:line 62
TargetSite ---
Int32 AddRecord(System.String)
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