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Stellt eine Auflistung von Instanzen der Import-Klasse bereit, die Dokumente darstellen, die in den XML-Webdienst importiert werden sollen. Diese Klasse kann nicht geerbt werden.

Namespace: System.Web.Services.Description
Assembly: System.Web.Services (in


Public NotInheritable Class ImportCollection
    Inherits ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
Dim instance As ImportCollection
public sealed class ImportCollection : ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
public ref class ImportCollection sealed : public ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
public final class ImportCollection extends ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
public final class ImportCollection extends ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection


Die Import-Klasse entspricht dem WSDL-<import>-Element (Web Services Description Language), das vom <definitions>-Stammelement eingeschlossen wird. Weitere Informationen über WSDL finden Sie in der Spezifikation unter


Das folgende Beispiel veranschaulicht eine typische Verwendung der ImportCollection-Klasse.

Imports System
Imports System.Web.Services.Description
Imports System.Xml
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Class ServiceDescription_ImportCollection
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim myServiceDescription As ServiceDescription = _
      Console.WriteLine(" ImportCollection Sample ")
      ' Get Import Collection.
      Dim myImportCollection As ImportCollection = myServiceDescription.Imports
      Console.WriteLine("Total Imports in the document = " + _
      ' Print 'Import' properties to console.
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myImportCollection.Count - 1
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + _
                           "Import Namespace :{0} Import Location :{1} ", _
                           myImportCollection(i).Namespace, _
      Next i

      Dim myImports(myServiceDescription.Imports.Count - 1) As Import
      ' Copy 'ImportCollection' to an array.
      myServiceDescription.Imports.CopyTo(myImports, 0)
      Console.WriteLine("Imports that are copied to Importarray ...")
      Dim j As Integer
      For j = 0 To myImports.Length - 1
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + _
                           "Import Namespace :{0} Import Location :{1} ", _
                           myImports(j).Namespace, myImports(j).Location)
      Next j

      ' Get Import by Index.
      Dim myImport As Import = _
            myServiceDescription.Imports(myServiceDescription.Imports.Count - 1)
      Console.WriteLine("Import by Index...")
      If myImportCollection.Contains(myImport) Then
         Console.WriteLine("Import Namespace '" + myImport.Namespace + _
                           "' is found in 'ImportCollection'.")
         Console.WriteLine("Index of '" + myImport.Namespace + _
                           "' in 'ImportCollection' = " + _
         Console.WriteLine("Delete Import from 'ImportCollection'...")
         If myImportCollection.IndexOf(myImport) = - 1 Then
            Console.WriteLine("Import is successfully removed from Import Collection.")
         End If
      End If
   End Sub 'Main
End Class 'ServiceDescription_ImportCollection 
using System;
using System.Web.Services.Description;
using System.Xml;

class ServiceDescription_ImportCollection
   public static void Main()
      ServiceDescription myServiceDescription = ServiceDescription.Read("StockQuoteService_cs.wsdl");
      Console.WriteLine(" ImportCollection Sample ");
      // Get Import Collection.
      ImportCollection myImportCollection = myServiceDescription.Imports;
      Console.WriteLine("Total Imports in the document = " + myServiceDescription.Imports.Count);
      // Print 'Import' properties to console.
      for(int i =0; i < myImportCollection.Count; ++i)
         Console.WriteLine("\tImport Namespace :{0} Import Location :{1} "
      Import[] myImports = new Import[myServiceDescription.Imports.Count];
      // Copy 'ImportCollection' to an array.
      Console.WriteLine("Imports that are copied to Importarray ...");
      for(int i=0;i < myImports.Length; ++i)
         Console.WriteLine("\tImport Namespace :{0} Import Location :{1} "
      // Get Import by Index.
      Import myImport = myServiceDescription.Imports[myServiceDescription.Imports.Count-1];
      Console.WriteLine("Import by Index...");
      if (myImportCollection.Contains(myImport))
         Console.WriteLine("Import Namespace '"
                  + myImport.Namespace + "' is found in 'ImportCollection'.");
         Console.WriteLine("Index of '" + myImport.Namespace + "' in 'ImportCollection' = "
                                                   + myImportCollection.IndexOf(myImport));
         Console.WriteLine("Deleting Import from 'ImportCollection'...");
         if(myImportCollection.IndexOf(myImport) == -1)
            Console.WriteLine("Import is successfully removed from Import Collection.");
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Web.Services.dll>
#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Web::Services::Description;
using namespace System::Xml;
int main()
   ServiceDescription^ myServiceDescription = ServiceDescription::Read( "StockQuoteService_cpp.wsdl" );
   Console::WriteLine( " ImportCollection Sample " );
   // Get Import Collection.
   ImportCollection^ myImportCollection = myServiceDescription->Imports;
   Console::WriteLine( "Total Imports in the document = {0}", myServiceDescription->Imports->Count );
   // Print 'Import' properties to console.
   for ( int i = 0; i < myImportCollection->Count; ++i )
      Console::WriteLine( "\tImport Namespace : {0} Import Location : {1} ",
         myImportCollection[ i ]->Namespace, myImportCollection[ i ]->Location );

   array<Import^>^myImports = gcnew array<Import^>(myServiceDescription->Imports->Count);
   // Copy 'ImportCollection' to an array.
   myServiceDescription->Imports->CopyTo( myImports, 0 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Imports that are copied to Importarray ..." );
   for ( int i = 0; i < myImports->Length; ++i )
      Console::WriteLine( "\tImport Namespace : {0} Import Location : {1} ",
         myImports[ i ]->Namespace, myImports[ i ]->Location );

   // Get Import by Index.
   Import^ myImport = myServiceDescription->Imports[ myServiceDescription->Imports->Count - 1 ];
   Console::WriteLine( "Import by Index..." );
   if ( myImportCollection->Contains( myImport ) )
      Console::WriteLine( "Import Namespace ' {0} ' is found in 'ImportCollection'.", myImport->Namespace );
      Console::WriteLine( "Index of '{0}' in 'ImportCollection' = {1}",
         myImport->Namespace, myImportCollection->IndexOf( myImport ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "Deleting Import from 'ImportCollection'..." );
      myImportCollection->Remove( myImport );
      if ( myImportCollection->IndexOf( myImport ) == -1 )
            Console::WriteLine( "Import is successfully removed from Import Collection." );
import System.*;
import System.Web.Services.Description.*;
import System.Xml.*;

class ServiceDescriptionImportCollection
    public static void main(String[] args)
        ServiceDescription myServiceDescription 
            = ServiceDescription.Read("StockQuoteService_jsl.wsdl");
        Console.WriteLine(" ImportCollection Sample ");

        // Get Import Collection.
        ImportCollection myImportCollection 
            = myServiceDescription.get_Imports();

        Console.WriteLine("Total Imports in the document = " 
            + myServiceDescription.get_Imports().get_Count());

        // Print 'Import' properties to console.
        for (int i = 0; i < myImportCollection.get_Count(); ++i) {
            Console.WriteLine("\tImport Namespace :{0} Import Location :{1} ",

        Import myImports[] = new Import[myServiceDescription.

        // Copy 'ImportCollection' to an array.
        myServiceDescription.get_Imports().CopyTo(myImports, 0);
        Console.WriteLine("Imports that are copied to Importarray ...");
        for (int i = 0; i < myImports.length; ++i) {
            Console.WriteLine("\tImport Namespace :{0} Import Location :{1} ",
                myImports[i].get_Namespace(), myImports[i].get_Location());

        // Get Import by Index.
        Import myImport = myServiceDescription.get_Imports().
            get_Item(myServiceDescription.get_Imports().get_Count() - 1);

        Console.WriteLine("Import by Index...");
        if (myImportCollection.Contains(myImport)) {
            Console.WriteLine("Import Namespace '" + myImport.get_Namespace() 
                + "' is found in 'ImportCollection'.");
            Console.WriteLine("Index of '" + myImport.get_Namespace() 
                + "' in 'ImportCollection' = " 
                + myImportCollection.IndexOf(myImport));
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting Import from 'ImportCollection'...");
            if (myImportCollection.IndexOf(myImport) == -1) {
                    "Import is successfully removed from Import Collection.");
    } //main
} //ServiceDescriptionImportCollection 




Alle öffentlichen statischen (Shared in Visual Basic) Member dieses Typs sind threadsicher. Bei Instanzmembern ist die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

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