Freigeben über


Ruft die in dieser Assembly definierten Typen ab.

Namespace: System.Reflection
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)


Public Overridable Function GetTypes As Type()
Dim instance As Assembly
Dim returnValue As Type()

returnValue = instance.GetTypes
public virtual Type[] GetTypes ()
virtual array<Type^>^ GetTypes ()
public Type[] GetTypes ()
public function GetTypes () : Type[]


Ein Array vom Typ Type, das Objekte für alle Typen enthält, die in dieser Assembly definiert sind.


Ausnahmetyp Bedingung


Die Assembly enthält einen Typ, der nicht geladen werden kann. Die Ausnahme enthält Informationen über den Typ.


Das zurückgegebene Array enthält geschachtelte Typen.


Im folgenden Beispiel werden die Typen in der angegebenen Assembly angezeigt.

Dim SampleAssembly As [Assembly]
SampleAssembly = [Assembly].LoadFrom("c:\Sample.Assembly.dll")
' Obtain a reference to a method known to exist in assembly.
Dim Method As MethodInfo = SampleAssembly.GetTypes()(0).GetMethod("Method1")
' Obtain a reference to the parameters collection of the MethodInfo instance.
Dim Params As ParameterInfo() = Method.GetParameters()
' Display information about method parameters.
' Param = sParam1
'   Type = System.String
'   Position = 0
'   Optional=False
Dim Param As ParameterInfo
For Each Param In Params
    Console.WriteLine(("Param=" + Param.Name.ToString()))
    Console.WriteLine(("  Type=" + Param.ParameterType.ToString()))
    Console.WriteLine(("  Position=" + Param.Position.ToString()))
    Console.WriteLine(("  Optional=" + Param.IsOptional.ToString()))
Next Param
Assembly SampleAssembly;
SampleAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("c:\\Sample.Assembly.dll");
// Obtain a reference to a method known to exist in assembly.
MethodInfo Method = SampleAssembly.GetTypes()[0].GetMethod("Method1");
// Obtain a reference to the parameters collection of the MethodInfo instance.
ParameterInfo[] Params = Method.GetParameters();
// Display information about method parameters.
// Param = sParam1
//   Type = System.String
//   Position = 0
//   Optional=False
foreach (ParameterInfo Param in Params)
    Console.WriteLine("Param=" + Param.Name.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("  Type=" + Param.ParameterType.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("  Position=" + Param.Position.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("  Optional=" + Param.IsOptional.ToString());
Assembly^ SampleAssembly;
SampleAssembly = Assembly::LoadFrom( "c:\\Sample.Assembly.dll" );
// Obtain a reference to a method known to exist in assembly.
MethodInfo^ Method = SampleAssembly->GetTypes()[ 0 ]->GetMethod( "Method1" );
// Obtain a reference to the parameters collection of the MethodInfo instance.
array<ParameterInfo^>^ Params = Method->GetParameters();
// Display information about method parameters.
// Param = sParam1
//   Type = System::String
//   Position = 0
//   Optional=False
for each ( ParameterInfo^ Param in Params )
   Console::WriteLine( "Param= {0}", Param->Name );
   Console::WriteLine( "  Type= {0}", Param->ParameterType );
   Console::WriteLine( "  Position= {0}", Param->Position );
   Console::WriteLine( "  Optional= {0}", Param->IsOptional );
var SampleAssembly : Assembly;
SampleAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("c:\\Sample.Assembly.dll");
// Obtain a reference to a method known to exist in assembly.
var Method : MethodInfo = SampleAssembly.GetTypes()[0].GetMethod("Method1");
// Obtain a reference to the parameters collection of the MethodInfo instance.
var Params : ParameterInfo[] = Method.GetParameters();
// Display information about method parameters.
// Param = sParam1
//   Type = System.String
//   Position = 0
//   Optional=False
for (var i : int in Params){
    var Param : ParameterInfo = Params[i];
    Console.WriteLine("Param=" + Param.Name.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("  Type=" + Param.ParameterType.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("  Position=" + Param.Position.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("  Optional=" + Param.IsOptional.ToString());

.NET Framework-Sicherheit


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile für Pocket PC, Windows Mobile für Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.


.NET Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

.NET Compact Framework

Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.0

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