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cbrt, cbrtf, cbrtl


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The latest version of this topic can be found at cbrt, cbrtf, cbrtl.

Calculates the cube root.


double cbrt(  
   double x   
float cbrt(  
   float x   
);  // C++ only  
long double cbrt(  
   long double x  
);  // C++ only  
float cbrtf(  
   float x   
long double cbrtl(  
   long double x  


Floating-point value

Return Value

The cbrt functions return the cube-root of x.

Input SEH Exception _matherr Exception
± ∞, QNAN, IND none none


Because C++ allows overloading, you can call overloads of cbrt that take float or long double types. In a C program, cbrt always takes and returns double.


Function C header C++ header
cbrt, cbrtf, cbrtl <math.h> <cmath>

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility.


// crt_cbrt.c  
// Compile using: cl /W4 crt_cbrt.c  
// This program calculates a cube root.  
#include <math.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
int main( void )  
   double question = -64.64;  
   double answer;  
   answer = cbrt(question);  
   printf("The cube root of %.2f is %.6f\n", question, answer);  
The cube root of -64.64 is -4.013289  

.NET Framework Equivalent

Not applicable. To call the standard C function, use PInvoke. For more information, see Platform Invoke Examples.

See Also

Floating-Point Support
exp, expf
log, logf, log10, log10f
pow, powf, powl