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JOYINFOEX structure

The JOYINFOEX structure contains extended information about the joystick position, point-of-view position, and button state.


typedef struct joyinfoex_tag {
  DWORD dwSize;
  DWORD dwFlags;
  DWORD dwXpos;
  DWORD dwYpos;
  DWORD dwZpos;
  DWORD dwRpos;
  DWORD dwUpos;
  DWORD dwVpos;
  DWORD dwButtons;
  DWORD dwButtonNumber;
  DWORD dwReserved1;
  DWORD dwReserved2;


  • dwSize
    Size, in bytes, of this structure.

  • dwFlags
    Flags indicating the valid information returned in this structure. Members that do not contain valid information are set to zero. The following flags are defined:

    Flag Description
    JOY_RETURNALL Equivalent to setting all of the JOY_RETURN bits except JOY_RETURNRAWDATA.
    JOY_RETURNBUTTONS The dwButtons member contains valid information about the state of each joystick button.
    JOY_RETURNCENTERED Centers the joystick neutral position to the middle value of each axis of movement.
    JOY_RETURNPOV The dwPOV member contains valid information about the point-of-view control, expressed in discrete units.
    JOY_RETURNPOVCTS The dwPOV member contains valid information about the point-of-view control expressed in continuous, one-hundredth degree units.
    JOY_RETURNR The dwRpos member contains valid rudder pedal data. This information represents another (fourth) axis.
    JOY_RETURNRAWDATA Data stored in this structure is uncalibrated joystick readings.
    JOY_RETURNU The dwUpos member contains valid data for a fifth axis of the joystick, if such an axis is available, or returns zero otherwise.
    JOY_RETURNV The dwVpos member contains valid data for a sixth axis of the joystick, if such an axis is available, or returns zero otherwise.
    JOY_RETURNX The dwXpos member contains valid data for the x-coordinate of the joystick.
    JOY_RETURNY The dwYpos member contains valid data for the y-coordinate of the joystick.
    JOY_RETURNZ The dwZpos member contains valid data for the z-coordinate of the joystick.


    The following flags provide data to calibrate a joystick and are intended for custom calibration applications.

    Flag Description
    JOY_CAL_READ3 Read the x-, y-, and z-coordinates and store the raw values in dwXpos, dwYpos, and dwZpos.
    JOY_CAL_READ4 Read the rudder information and the x-, y-, and z-coordinates and store the raw values in dwXpos, dwYpos, dwZpos, and dwRpos.
    JOY_CAL_READ5 Read the rudder information and the x-, y-, z-, and u-coordinates and store the raw values in dwXpos, dwYpos, dwZpos, dwRpos, and dwUpos.
    JOY_CAL_READ6 Read the raw v-axis data if a joystick mini driver is present that will provide the data. Returns zero otherwise.
    JOY_CAL_READALWAYS Read the joystick port even if the driver does not detect a device.
    JOY_CAL_READRONLY Read the rudder information if a joystick mini-driver is present that will provide the data and store the raw value in dwRpos. Return zero otherwise.
    JOY_CAL_READXONLY Read the x-coordinate and store the raw (uncalibrated) value in dwXpos.
    JOY_CAL_READXYONLY Reads the x- and y-coordinates and place the raw values in dwXpos and dwYpos.
    JOY_CAL_READYONLY Reads the y-coordinate and store the raw value in dwYpos.
    JOY_CAL_READZONLY Read the z-coordinate and store the raw value in dwZpos.
    JOY_CAL_READUONLY Read the u-coordinate if a joystick mini-driver is present that will provide the data and store the raw value in dwUpos. Return zero otherwise.
    JOY_CAL_READVONLY Read the v-coordinate if a joystick mini-driver is present that will provide the data and store the raw value in dwVpos. Return zero otherwise.


  • dwXpos
    Current X-coordinate.

  • dwYpos
    Current Y-coordinate.

  • dwZpos
    Current Z-coordinate.

  • dwRpos
    Current position of the rudder or fourth joystick axis.

  • dwUpos
    Current fifth axis position.

  • dwVpos
    Current sixth axis position.

  • dwButtons
    Current state of the 32 joystick buttons. The value of this member can be set to any combination of JOY_BUTTON n flags, where n is a value in the range of 1 through 32 corresponding to the button that is pressed.

  • dwButtonNumber
    Current button number that is pressed.

  • dwPOV
    Current position of the point-of-view control. Values for this member are in the range 0 through 35,900. These values represent the angle, in degrees, of each view multiplied by 100.

  • dwReserved1
    Reserved; do not use.

  • dwReserved2
    Reserved; do not use.


The value of the dwSize member is also used to identify the version number for the structure when it's passed to the joyGetPosEx function.

Most devices with a point-of-view control have only five positions. When the JOY_RETURNPOV flag is set, these positions are reported by using the following constants:

Point-Of-View Flag Description
JOY_POVBACKWARD Point-of-view hat is pressed backward. The value 18,000 represents an orientation of 180.00 degrees (to the rear).
JOY_POVCENTERED Point-of-view hat is in the neutral position. The value -1 means the point-of-view hat has no angle to report.
JOY_POVFORWARD Point-of-view hat is pressed forward. The value 0 represents an orientation of 0.00 degrees (straight ahead).
JOY_POVLEFT Point-of-view hat is being pressed to the left. The value 27,000 represents an orientation of 270.00 degrees (90.00 degrees to the left).
JOY_POVRIGHT Point-of-view hat is pressed to the right. The value 9,000 represents an orientation of 90.00 degrees (to the right).


The default joystick driver currently supports these five discrete directions. If an application can accept only the defined point-of-view values, it must use the JOY_RETURNPOV flag. If an application can accept other degree readings, it should use the JOY_RETURNPOVCTS flag to obtain continuous data if it is available. The JOY_RETURNPOVCTS flag also supports the JOY_POV constants used with the JOY_RETURNPOV flag.


Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]


Mmsystem.h (include Windows.h)

See also


Multimedia Joystick Structures



Multimedia Joystick Structures