DirectMusic Enumerated Types
Warning: This technology is deprecated as is all of DirectMusic. Deprecated components are considered obsolete. While these components are still supported, they may be removed in the future. When writing new applications, you should avoid using these deprecated components. When modifying existing applications, you are strongly encouraged to remove any dependency on these components.
This section contains references for the following enumerated types.
Enumerated Type | Description |
DMUS_CHORDKEYF_FLAGS | Used in the bFlags member of the DMUS_CHORD_KEY structure. |
DMUS_CLOCKTYPE | Used in the ctType member of the DMUS_CLOCKINFO8 structure. |
DMUS_COMMANDT_TYPES | Used in the wCommand parameter of the IDirectMusicComposer8::AutoTransition and IDirectMusicComposer8::ComposeTransition methods and in the bCommand member of the DMUS_COMMAND_PARAM structure. |
DMUS_COMPOSEF_FLAGS | Used in the dwFlags parameter of the IDirectMusicComposer8::AutoTransition and IDirectMusicComposer8::ComposeTransition methods. |
DMUS_CURVE_FLAGS | Used in the bFlags member of the DMUS_CURVE_PMSG structure. |
DMUS_EMBELLISHT_TYPES | Used in the wEmbellishment member of the DMUS_IO_PATTERN structure. |
DMUS_NOTEF_FLAGS | Used in the bFlags member of the DMUS_NOTE_PMSG structure. |
DMUS_PATTERNT_TYPES | Used in various command structures to control the way patterns are selected in sequential commands. |
DMUS_PLAYMODE_FLAGS | Used in various structures to specify play modes. |
DMUS_PMSGF_FLAGS | Used in the dwFlags member of the DMUS_PMSG structure. |
DMUS_PMSGT_TYPES | Used in the dwType member of the DMUS_PMSG structure to identify the type of message. |
DMUS_SEGF_FLAGS | Passed to various methods of IDirectMusicPerformance8 to control the timing and other aspects of actions on a segment. |
DMUS_SHAPET_TYPES | Used in the wShape parameter of the IDirectMusicComposer8::ComposeSegmentFromShape and IDirectMusicComposer8::ComposeTemplateFromShape methods to specify the desired pattern of the groove level. |
DMUS_STYLET_TYPES | Used in the IDirectMusicPatternTrack8::SetPatternByName and IDirectMusicStyle8::EnumPattern methods to specify a type of pattern. |
DMUS_TIME_RESOLVE_FLAGS | Used in the dwFlags member of the DMUS_PMSG structure and in the dwTimeResolveFlags parameter of the IDirectMusicPerformance8::GetResolvedTime method. |
DMUS_TRACKF_FLAGS | Used in the dwFlags parameter of the IDirectMusicTrack8::Play and IDirectMusicTrack8::PlayEx methods. |
DMUS_VARIATIONT_TYPES | Used in the DMUS_IO_PARTREF structure to specify the way variations are selected in sequential commands. |