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ShippingMethodCollection Members

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Manages the collection of shipping methods.

The ShippingMethodCollection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Add Adds a shipping method to the end of the ShippingMethodCollection.
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Clear Removes all objects from the current ShippingMethodCollection object.
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif CopyTo Copies all the elements in the current instance to a compatible one-dimensional ShippingMethod array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Aa152541.protmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetEnumerator Retrieves an enumerator that can iterate through the current collection.
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif IndexOf Overloaded. Returns the index of the shipping method with the specified identifier.
Aa152541.protmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Remove Overloaded. Removes the shipping method from the collection.
Aa152541.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Aa152541.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif Count Gets the count of the number of items in the ShippingMethodCollection collection.
Aa152541.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif IsSynchronized Gets a value indicating whether access to the current ShippingMethodCollection is synchronized (thread-safe).
Aa152541.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif Item Gets the shipping method at the specified index from the collection.
Aa152541.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif SyncRoot Gets an object used to synchronize access to the current ShippingMethodCollection.


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Aa152541.pubinterface(en-US,CS.70).gifAa152541.privmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif ICollection..::.CopyTo


See Also


ShippingMethodCollection Class

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Orders Namespace