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OTA Firmware Update Example


The following XML shows how perform the following tasks:

  • Create a Firmware Update Managed Object (FUMO) object.
  • Replace the DownloadAndUpdate/PkgURL with the package download URI.
  • Set the Exec command to the DownloadAndUpdate node so that it initiates the download and immediate installation of the package contents.

Code Example

           <LocURI>./FwUpdate/{package identifier}/DownloadAndUpdate/PkgURL</LocURI>
       <Data>https://{package download server http address}/{update_package.pks}</Data>
           <LocURI>./FwUpdate/{package identifier}/PkgName</LocURI>
       <Data>{package name}</Data>
           <LocURI>./FwUpdate/{package identifier}/DownloadAndUpdate</LocURI>


One provisioning XML file typically contains configuration information for multiple Configuration Service Providers. To use this example, you must do the following:

  • Add the example XML as a child of the SyncBody node in an OMA DM provisioning file. For more information about the syntax of the provisioning file, see OMA DM Provisioning Files.
  • Replace the information in braces ({}) with correct values for the package. The following table shows the meaning of the information that you must replace.
String to replace Meaning

{package identifier}

A unique identification for the package.


The name and extension of the update package.

In this example, the package has an extension of .pks, meaning that it is a super package.

{package download server HTTP address}

The GUID of the Image Update Download Package Server.

{package name}

The user friendly name of the package to be downloaded.

See Also


FwUpdate Configuration Service Provider


OTA Firmware Update Architecture
Troubleshooting OTA Firmware Update

Other Resources

FwUpdate Configuration Service Provider Examples for OMA DM