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This structure is a path name array that specifies files either through an object identifier (OID) or through a complete path name and file name.


typedef struct_PAstruct {
  EFileIDType m_IDtype;
  union {
    CEOID m_fileOID;
    TCHAR m_szPathname[PA_MAX_PATHNAME];
} PAstruct;
#define PA_MAX_PATHNAME 96 


  • m_IDtype
    A value from the EFileIDType enumeration that indicates whether to use an OID or a path name to specify the file.
  • m_fileOID
    The OID of the file. This member is used only when m_IDtype is set to FILE_ID_TYPE_OID.
  • m_szPathname
    The full path name with file name that specifies the file. This field is used only when m_IDtype is set to FILE_ID_TYPE_PATH. You are responsible for allocating and freeing the string memory for this field.

Defined Terms

    The maximum length of the path name and file name, including the terminating NULL character.


Header projects.h
Library note_prj.lib
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2000 and later, Smartphone 2002 and later

See Also


File and Application Management Structures