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SELECT Statement

Following is the columns portion of the SELECT clause syntax:

<column> [ {, <column>} ...]

The column specifier(s) must be valid property name columns, separated by commas. Valid column names are registered property descriptions or are defined by the Shell's Property System Schema. You can only select those columns that are marked as retrievable in the Property System Schema. If you use mixed case to identify non-system-defined properties, you must enclose the column specifier in double quotation marks except for system-defined properties. Non-system property names use the following convention: Publisher.Application.Property. System-defined property names include all properties beginning with "System" (e.g., System.Contact.FirstName).

Note  You can also enclose system-defined property names in double quotation marks for readability. This does not affect compatibility.

When the query returns a document that does not have the requested column, the value of that column for the document is NULL.

You must provide at least one column name in a SELECT statement. In the Structured Query Language (SQL) query, you are allowed to use the asterisk (*) to specify that all columns in a table are to be returned. However, no defined and fixed set of properties applies to all documents. For this reason, the SQL asterisk is not permitted in the <columns> setting.

Getting the Top n Results

You can specify a maximum number of results to return using the TOP syntax:

SELECT TOP 50 <column> [ {, <column>} ...]

Casting Column Data Types

Windows Search does not support casting the column data type as it is returned in the query.

Column Aliasing

Windows Search does not support column aliasing. It also does not support limiting the column length, but returns the full length of each text property.


This example returns the name and URL of matching documents.

SELECT System.ItemName, System.ItemUrl FROM [machinename].SYSTEMINDEX WHERE...