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operator== (map) (STL/CLR)


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The latest version of this topic can be found at operator== (map) (STL/CLR).

List equal comparison.


template<typename Key,  
    typename Mapped>  
    bool operator==(map<Key, Mapped>% left,  
        map<Key, Mapped>% right);  


Left container to compare.

Right container to compare.


The operator function returns true only if the sequences controlled by left and right have the same length and, for each position i, left``[i] == right``[i]. You use it to test whether left is ordered the same as right when the two maps are compared element by element.


// cliext_map_operator_eq.cpp   
// compile with: /clr   
#include <cliext/map>   
typedef cliext::map<wchar_t, int> Mymap;   
int main()   
    Mymap c1;   
    c1.insert(Mymap::make_value(L'a', 1));   
    c1.insert(Mymap::make_value(L'b', 2));   
    c1.insert(Mymap::make_value(L'c', 3));   
// display contents " [a 1] [b 2] [c 3]"   
    for each (Mymap::value_type elem in c1)   
        System::Console::Write(" [{0} {1}]", elem->first, elem->second);   
// assign to a new container   
    Mymap c2;   
    c2.insert(Mymap::make_value(L'a', 1));   
    c2.insert(Mymap::make_value(L'b', 2));   
    c2.insert(Mymap::make_value(L'd', 4));   
// display contents " [a 1] [b 2] [d 4]"   
    for each (Mymap::value_type elem in c2)   
        System::Console::Write(" [{0} {1}]", elem->first, elem->second);   
    System::Console::WriteLine("[a b c] == [a b c] is {0}",   
        c1 == c1);   
    System::Console::WriteLine("[a b c] == [a b d] is {0}",   
        c1 == c2);   
    return (0);   
 [a 1] [b 2] [c 3]  
 [a 1] [b 2] [d 4]  
[a b c] == [a b c] is True  
[a b c] == [a b d] is False  


Header: <cliext/map>

Namespace: cliext

See Also

map (STL/CLR)
operator!= (map) (STL/CLR)
operator< (map) (STL/CLR)
operator>= (map) (STL/CLR)
operator> (map) (STL/CLR)
operator<= (map) (STL/CLR)