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Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs Namespace

.NET Framework 4


  Class Description
Public class AuthorizeModule Applies authorization attributes from the Hub class to determine whether to allow clients to receive messages sent from the hub.
Public class ClientHubInvocation A description of a client-side hub method invocation.
Public class ClientProxy Represents a server side proxy for the client side hub.
Public class ConnectionIdProxy
Public class DefaultAssemblyLocator
Public class DefaultHubActivator
Public class DefaultHubManager
Public class DefaultJavaScriptProxyGenerator
Public class DefaultParameterResolver
Public class Descriptor
Public class EmptyJavaScriptProxyGenerator
Public class GroupProxy
Public class HubCallerContext
Public class HubConnectionContext Encapsulates all information about an individual SignalR connection for an IHub .
Public class HubDescriptor Holds information about a single hub.
Public class HubDispatcher Handles all communication over the hubs persistent connection.
Public class HubManagerExtensions
Public class HubMethodNameAttribute
Public class HubNameAttribute
Public class HubPipelineModule Common base class to simplify the implementation of IHubPipelineModules. A module can intercept and customize various stages of hub processing such as connecting, reconnecting, disconnecting, invoking server-side hub methods, invoking client-side hub methods, authorizing hub clients and rejoining hub groups. A module can be activated by calling AddModule(IHubPipelineModule) . The combined modules added to the IHubPipeline are invoked via the IHubPipelineInvoker interface.
Public class HubRequest
Public class HubResponse The response returned from an incoming hub request.
Public class MethodDescriptor Holds information about a single hub method.
Public class MethodExtensions
Public class NotAuthorizedException
Public class NullJavaScriptMinifier
Public class ParameterDescriptor Holds information about a single hub method parameter.
Public class ReflectedHubDescriptorProvider
Public class ReflectedMethodDescriptorProvider
Public class ReflectionHelper
Public class SignalProxy
Public class StateChangeTracker A change tracking dictionary.
Public class StatefulSignalProxy


  Interface Description
Public interface IAssemblyLocator
Public interface IAuthorizeHubConnection Interface to be implemented by Attribute s that can authorize client to connect to a IHub .
Public interface IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation Interface to be implemented by Attributes that can authorize the invocation of IHub methods.
Public interface IClientProxy A server side proxy for the client side hub.
Public interface IHub
Public interface IHubActivator
Public interface IHubConnectionContext Encapsulates all information about a SignalR connection for an IHub .
Public interface IHubDescriptorProvider Describes hub descriptor provider, which provides information about available hubs.
Public interface IHubIncomingInvokerContext A description of a server-side hub method invocation originating from a client.
Public interface IHubManager Describes a hub manager - main point in the whole hub and method lookup process.
Public interface IHubOutgoingInvokerContext A description of a client-side hub method invocation originating from the server.
Public interface IHubPipeline A collection of modules that can intercept and customize various stages of hub processing such as connecting, reconnecting, disconnecting, invoking server-side hub methods, invoking client-side hub methods, authorizing hub clients and rejoining hub groups.
Public interface IHubPipelineInvoker Implementations of this interface are responsible for executing operation required to complete various stages hub processing such as connecting, reconnecting, disconnecting, invoking server-side hub methods, invoking client-side hub methods, authorizing hub clients and rejoining hub groups.
Public interface IHubPipelineModule An IHubPipelineModule can intercept and customize various stages of hub processing such as connecting, reconnecting, disconnecting, invoking server-side hub methods, invoking client-side hub methods, authorizing hub clients and rejoining hub groups. Modules can be be activated by calling AddModule(IHubPipelineModule) . The combined modules added to the IHubPipeline are invoked via the IHubPipelineInvoker interface.
Public interface IHubRequestParser Handles parsing incoming requests through the HubDispatcher .
Public interface IJavaScriptMinifier
Public interface IJavaScriptProxyGenerator
Public interface IMethodDescriptorProvider Describes a hub method provider that builds a collection of available methods on a given hub.
Public interface IParameterResolver Describes a parameter resolver for resolving parameter-matching values based on provided information.