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The latest version of this topic can be found at _RTC_SetErrorFuncW.

Designates a function as the handler for the reporting of run-time error checks (RTCs).


      _RTC_error_fnW _RTC_SetErrorFuncW(  
   _RTC_error_fnW function   


The address of the function that will handle run-time error checks.

Return Value

The previously defined error function; or NULL if there is no previously defined function.


In new code, use only _RTC_SetErrorFuncW. _RTC_SetErrorFunc is only included in the library for backward compatibility.

The _RTC_SetErrorFuncW callback applies only to the component that it was linked in, but not globally.

Make sure that the address that you pass to _RTC_SetErrorFuncW is that of a valid error handling function.

If an error has been assigned a type of –1 by using _RTC_SetErrorType, the error handling function is not called.

Before you can call this function, you must first call one of the run-time error-check initialization functions. For more information, see Using Run-Time Checks Without the C Run-Time Library.

_RTC_error_fnW is defined as follows:

typedef int (__cdecl *_RTC_error_fnW)(int  errorType , const wchar_t * filename , int  linenumber , const wchar_t * moduleName , const wchar_t * format , ...);


The type of error that's specified by _RTC_SetErrorType.

The source file where the failure occurred, or null if no debug information is available.

The line in filename where the failure occurred, or 0 if no debug information is available.

The DLL or executable name where the failure occurred.

printf style string to display an error message, using the remaining parameters. The first argument of the VA_ARGLIST is the RTC Error number that occurred.

For an example that shows how to use _RTC_error_fnW, see Native Run-Time Checks Customization.


Routine Required header
_RTC_SetErrorFuncW <rtcapi.h>

For more information, see Compatibility.


All versions of the C run-time libraries.

.NET Framework Equivalent

Not applicable. To call the standard C function, use PInvoke. For more information, see Platform Invoke Examples.

See Also

_CrtDbgReport, _CrtDbgReportW
Run-Time Error Checking