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Conversion Between Character Sets

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Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


MLang provides a number of different ways to convert strings from one code page to another. The most important of these is the MLang Conversion object. This object supports the IMLangConvertCharset interface and is dedicated to converting strings between a source code page and a destination code page. The user must specify both of these code pages.

The following list shows the conversion methods that the IMLangConvertCharset interface provides:

When using the conversion functionality provided by MLang, the caller must determine whether the parameters that specify the size of the source string and the destination buffer are measured in a byte count or a character count. In general, all APIs that are specifically dedicated to converting to or from Unicode take a character count for the Unicode string. All other strings are measured in a byte count.

The following list shows the conversion methods that the IMultiLanguage2 interface supports:

These methods function in the same manner as the IMLangConvertCharset methods, but may be less efficient when multiple conversions must be done between the same combination of source and destination code pages.

See Also

Other Resources

Internet Explorer Multiple-Language API Application Development