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Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


This structure is used in conjunction with IrDA socket operations, defined by address family AF_IRDA.


typedef struct _SOCKADDR_IRDA {
  u_short irdaAddressFamily;
  u_char irdaDeviceID[4];
  char irdaServiceName[25];


  • irdaAddressFamily
    Address family. This member is always AF_IRDA.
  • irdaDeviceID
    Device identifier (ID) of the IrDA device to which the client wants to issue the connect (Windows Sockets) function call. Ignored by server applications.
  • irdaServiceName
    Well-known service name associated with a server application. Specified by servers during their bind (Windows Sockets) function call.


Client applications make use of each field in this structure. The irdaDeviceID member is obtained by a previous discovery operation performed by making a setsockopt (Windows Sockets) (IRLMP_ENUMDEVICES) function call. For more information on performing a discovery operation, see the Notes for IrDA Sockets section in the Remarks section of setsockopt.

The irdaServiceName member is filled with the well-known value that the server application specified in its bind (Windows Sockets) function call.


Header winsock2.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also


IrDA Application Development

Other Resources

getsockopt (Windows Sockets)
setsockopt (Windows Sockets)
bind (Windows Sockets)
connect (Windows Sockets)