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CUtlProps Class


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The latest version of this topic can be found at CUtlProps Class.

Implements properties for a variety of OLE DB property interfaces (for example, IDBProperties, IDBProperties, and IRowsetInfo).


template < class T >  
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CUtlProps : public CUtlPropsBase  


The class that contains the BEGIN_PROPSET_MAP.



GetPropValue Gets a property from a property set.
IsValidValue Used to validate a value before setting a property.
OnInterfaceRequested Handles requests for an optional interface when a consumer calls a method on an object creation interface.
OnPropertyChanged Called after setting a property to handle chained properties.
SetPropValue Sets a property in a property set.


Most of this class is an implementation detail.

CUtlProps contains two members for setting properties internally: GetPropValue and SetPropValue.

For more information on the macros used in a property set map, see BEGIN_PROPSET_MAP and END_PROPSET_MAP.


Header: atldb.h

See Also

OLE DB Provider Templates
OLE DB Provider Template Architecture