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Cross Tab Foundation Class

This class uses the Cross-Tab Wizard engine to generate a cross tab report when placed on a form.



Default Catalog

Visual FoxPro Catalog\Foundation Classes\Automation



Base Class


Class Library


Parent Class





To use, drop the class on a project or form or, from the Component Gallery Item shortcut menu, select Add to Project or Add to Form. When you add the class to a form in a data environment, Visual FoxPro opens a builder so you can specify the appropriate lDisplayNulls, lTotalRows, nTotalOption, and lBrowseAfter values. When you drop the class on a project, you can choose between adding the class or creating a subclass.

See Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classesfor more information on using foundation classes.

Properties, Events, Methods


cOutfile property

The name of the output file.

Default: xtabquery

lCursorOnly property

Specifies whether the input datasource is cursor.

Default: .T.

lCloseTable property

Specifies whether to close the source datasource after the cross tab is generated.

Default: .T.

lShowThem property

Specifies whether to show thermometer during cross tab generation.

Default: .T.

nRowField property

Specifies the field position in the datasource of the cross tab rows.

Default: 1

nColField property

Species the field position in the datasource of the cross tab columns.

Default: 2

nDataField property

Specifies the field position in the datasource of the cross tab data.

Default: 3

lTotalRows property

Specifies whether to total rows in the cross tab output.

Default: .F.

nTotalOption property

Specifies the Totaling option to perform:

0 = sum 1 = count 2 = % of total.

Default: 0

lDisplayNulls property

Specifies whether to display null values in the cross tab output.

Default: .F.

lBrowseAfter property

Specifies whether to open a Browse window on the cross tab output.

Default: .T.

RunXtab method

Generates a cross tab.

Syntax: RunXtab( )

Return: none

Arguments: none

See Also


Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes


Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes A-Z

Other Resources

Foundation Class Samples