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HalfHeightCaption Property

Specifies whether the caption of a form is half the normal height. Available at design time and run time.

Object.HalfHeightCaption[ = lExpr]

Return Value

  • lExpr
    The settings for the HalfHeightCaption property are:



    True (.T.)

    The form's caption is half the normal height.

    False (.F.)

    (Default) The form's caption is normal height.


Applies To: Form Object | _SCREEN System Variable | Height Property

Menus on SDI forms (ShowWindow = 2) are not supported when the HalfHeightCaption property of the form is set to true (.T.).

See Also


Caption Property (Visual FoxPro)

ShowWindow Property

Other Resources

Properties (Visual FoxPro)

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)