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Extrahiert die Norm einer komplexen Zahl.

template<class Type> 
   Type norm( 
      const complex<Type>& _ComplexNum 


  • _ComplexNum
    Die komplexe Zahl, deren Norm bestimmt werden soll.


Die Norm einer komplexen Zahl.


Die Norm einer komplexen Zahl " + Bi ist (a2 + B)2. Die Norm einer komplexen Zahl ist das Quadrat des Modulos. Der Betrag einer komplexen Zahl ist ein Maß für die Länge des Vektors, der die komplexe Zahl darstellt. Der Betrag einer komplexen Zahl a + bi ist sqrt*(a2 + b2),* geschrieben |a + bi|.


// complex_norm.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
   // modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
   // stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
   complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 5.0 ) );   // Default argument = 0
   complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> c3 ( polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) );
   cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
   cout << "c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   cout << "c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = " << c3 << endl;

   if ( (arg ( c2 ) <= ( arg ( c3 ) + .00000001) ) || 
        (arg ( c2 ) >= ( arg ( c3 ) - .00000001) ) )
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the "
           << "same principal arguments."<< endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 don't have the "
           << "same principal arguments." << endl;

   // The modulus and argument of a complex number can be recovered
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
        << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
        << argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
        << " degrees." << endl;
   // The norm of a complex number is the square of its modulus
   double normc2 = norm ( c2 );
   double sqrtnormc2 = sqrt ( normc2 );
   cout << "The norm of c2 given by: norm ( c2 ) = " << normc2 << endl;
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is the square root of the norm: "
        << "sqrt ( normc2 ) = " << sqrtnormc2 << "."; 


Header: <komplex>

Namespace: std