The NetworkATC modules are part of a toolset provided for automating and managing network configurations in a software-defined networking (SDN) environment. These modules enable administrators to automate the setup, configuration, and monitoring of network traffic policies and routes, ensuring optimal performance and resource allocation.
Add-NetIntent |
Configures the network host using intent-based tags for adapters. |
Copy-NetIntent |
Moves or copies network intents across different hosts or clusters. |
Get-AllNetIntents |
Looks up all intent request configurations available. |
Get-HUDSwitchlessMapping |
Retrieves the HUD switchless mapping configuration for the specified cluster. |
Get-NetIntent |
Gets the current set of intents configured on the node or cluster. |
Get-NetIntentAllGoalStates |
Looks up all intent goal state configurations available. |
New-NetIntentStatus |
Displays the consolidated status of all the intent configurations for a node or across multiple nodes in a cluster. |
New-NetIntentAdapterPropertyOverrides |
Creates a new instance of network adapter property overrides which can be used to supply granular values to |
New-NetIntentAdapterRssOverrides |
Creates a new instance of RSS overrides which can be used to supply granular values to |
New-NetIntentGlobalClusterOverrides |
Creates a new instance of cluster setting overrides which can be used to supply granular values to |
New-NetIntentGlobalProxyOverrides |
Creates a new instance for global proxy overrides. |
New-NetIntentQoSPolicyOverrides |
Creates a new instance of QoS policy overrides which can be used to supply granular values to |
New-NetIntentSiteOverrides |
Creates a new instance of site configuration overrides which can be used to supply granular values to |
New-NetIntentStorageOverrides |
Creates a new instance of network adapter storage overrides which can be used to supply granular values to |
New-NetIntentSwitchConfigurationOverrides |
Creates a new instance of virtual switch configuration overrides which can be used to supply granular values to |
Remove-NetIntent |
Removes the requested network intent. |
Set-NetIntent |
Allows provisioning of override values for the given network intent. |
Set-NetIntentRetryState |
Changes the provisioning state of the goal state for the network intent on a given host. |
Set-NetIntentTracing |
Starts or stops ATC tracing sessions on the host. |
Start-NetworkAtc |
Starts the Network ATC service on specified hosts. |
Stop-NetworkAtc |
Stops the Network ATC service on specified hosts. |
Update-NetIntentAdapter |
Updates the network intent configuration for specified network adapters. |
Update-NetIntentType |
Updates the configuration types of network intents for specified computers or clusters. |
Update-NetworkATC |
Updates the Network ATC configuration settings. |