Microsoft Azure PowerShell: MySql-Cmdlets
Datenbank für MySQL
Get-AzMySqlConfiguration |
Gets information about a configuration of server. |
Get-AzMySqlConnectionString |
Get the connection string according to client connection provider. |
Get-AzMySqlFirewallRule |
Gets information about a server firewall rule. |
Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServer |
Gets information about a server. |
Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting |
Get a server's Advanced Threat Protection state |
Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerConfiguration |
Gets information about a configuration of server. |
Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerConnectionString |
Get the connection string according to client connection provider. |
Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerDatabase |
Gets information about a database. |
Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerFirewallRule |
Gets information about a server firewall rule. |
Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerLocationBasedCapability |
Get the available SKU information for the location |
Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerReplica |
List all the replicas for a given server. |
Get-AzMySqlReplica |
List all the replicas for a given server. |
Get-AzMySqlServer |
Gets information about a server. |
Get-AzMySqlVirtualNetworkRule |
Gets a virtual network rule. |
New-AzMySqlFirewallRule |
Creates a new firewall rule or updates an existing firewall rule. |
New-AzMySqlFlexibleServer |
Creates a new MySQL flexible server. |
New-AzMySqlFlexibleServerDatabase |
Creates a new database or updates an existing database. |
New-AzMySqlFlexibleServerFirewallRule |
Creates a new firewall rule for MySQL flexible server |
New-AzMySqlFlexibleServerReplica |
Creates a replica server for a MySQL flexible server |
New-AzMySqlReplica |
Creates a new replica from an existing database. |
New-AzMySqlServer |
Creates a new server. |
New-AzMySqlVirtualNetworkRule |
Creates or updates an existing virtual network rule. |
Remove-AzMySqlFirewallRule |
Deletes a server firewall rule. |
Remove-AzMySqlFlexibleServer |
Deletes a server. |
Remove-AzMySqlFlexibleServerDatabase |
Deletes a database. |
Remove-AzMySqlFlexibleServerFirewallRule |
Deletes a firewall rule. |
Remove-AzMySqlServer |
Deletes a server. |
Remove-AzMySqlVirtualNetworkRule |
Deletes the virtual network rule with the given name. |
Restart-AzMySqlFlexibleServer |
Restarts a server. |
Restart-AzMySqlServer |
Restarts a server. |
Restore-AzMySqlFlexibleServer |
Restore a server from an existing backup |
Restore-AzMySqlServer |
Restore a server from an existing backup |
Start-AzMySqlFlexibleServer |
Starts a server. |
Stop-AzMySqlFlexibleServer |
Stops a server. |
Test-AzMySqlFlexibleServerConnect |
Test out the connection to the database server |
Update-AzMySqlConfiguration |
Updates a configuration of a server. Use Update-AzMySqlServer instead if you want update AdministratorLoginPassword, sku, etc. |
Update-AzMySqlFirewallRule |
Creates a new firewall rule or updates an existing firewall rule. |
Update-AzMySqlFlexibleServer |
Updates an existing MySQL flexible server. The request body can contain one to many of the properties present in the normal server definition. Use Update-AzMySqlFlexibleServerConfiguration instead if you want update server parameters such as wait_timeout or net_retry_count. |
Update-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting |
Updates a server's Advanced Threat Protection state. |
Update-AzMySqlFlexibleServerConfiguration |
Updates information about a configuration of a MySQL flexible server. |
Update-AzMySqlFlexibleServerFirewallRule |
Updates an existing firewall rule. |
Update-AzMySqlServer |
Updates an existing server. The request body can contain one to many of the properties present in the normal server definition. Use Update-AzMySqlConfiguration instead if you want update server parameters such as wait_timeout or net_retry_count. |
Update-AzMySqlServerConfigurationsList |
Update a list of configurations in a given server. |
Update-AzMySqlVirtualNetworkRule |
Creates or updates an existing virtual network rule. |
Azure PowerShell