Microsoft Azure PowerShell: Kusto-Cmdlets
Add-AzKustoClusterCalloutPolicy |
Adds a list of callout policies for engine services. |
Add-AzKustoClusterLanguageExtension |
Add a list of language extensions that can run within KQL queries. |
Add-AzKustoDatabasePrincipal |
Add Database principals permissions. |
Get-AzKustoAttachedDatabaseConfiguration |
Returns an attached database configuration. |
Get-AzKustoCluster |
Gets a Kusto cluster. |
Get-AzKustoClusterCalloutPolicy |
Returns the allowed callout policies for the specified service. |
Get-AzKustoClusterFollowerDatabase |
Returns a list of databases that are owned by this cluster and were followed by another cluster. |
Get-AzKustoClusterFollowerDatabaseGet |
Returns a list of databases that are owned by this cluster and were followed by another cluster. |
Get-AzKustoClusterLanguageExtension |
Returns a list of language extensions that can run within KQL queries. |
Get-AzKustoClusterOutboundNetworkDependencyEndpoint |
Gets the network endpoints of all outbound dependencies of a Kusto cluster |
Get-AzKustoClusterPrincipalAssignment |
Gets a Kusto cluster principalAssignment. |
Get-AzKustoClusterSku |
Lists eligible SKUs for Kusto resource provider. |
Get-AzKustoDatabase |
Returns a database. |
Get-AzKustoDatabasePrincipal |
Returns a list of database principals of the given Kusto cluster and database. |
Get-AzKustoDatabasePrincipalAssignment |
Gets a Kusto cluster database principalAssignment. |
Get-AzKustoDataConnection |
Returns a data connection. |
Get-AzKustoManagedPrivateEndpoint |
Gets a managed private endpoint. |
Get-AzKustoOperationsResult |
Returns operation results. |
Get-AzKustoOperationsResultLocation |
Returns operation results. |
Get-AzKustoPrivateEndpointConnection |
Gets a private endpoint connection. |
Get-AzKustoPrivateLinkResource |
Gets a private link resource. |
Get-AzKustoSandboxCustomImage |
Returns a sandbox custom image |
Get-AzKustoScript |
Gets a Kusto cluster database script. |
Get-AzKustoSku |
Lists eligible region SKUs for Kusto resource provider by Azure region. |
Invoke-AzKustoClusterMigration |
Migrate data from a Kusto cluster to another cluster. |
Invoke-AzKustoDataConnectionValidation |
Checks that the data connection parameters are valid. |
Invoke-AzKustoDetachClusterFollowerDatabase |
Detaches all followers of a database owned by this cluster. |
Invoke-AzKustoDiagnoseClusterVirtualNetwork |
Diagnoses network connectivity status for external resources on which the service is dependent on. |
Invoke-AzKustoInviteDatabaseFollower |
Generates an invitation token that allows attaching a follower database to this database. |
New-AzKustoAttachedDatabaseConfiguration |
Creates or updates an attached database configuration. |
New-AzKustoCluster |
Create or update a Kusto cluster. |
New-AzKustoClusterPrincipalAssignment |
Create a Kusto cluster principalAssignment. |
New-AzKustoDatabase |
Creates or updates a database. |
New-AzKustoDatabasePrincipalAssignment |
Creates a Kusto cluster database principalAssignment. |
New-AzKustoDataConnection |
Creates or updates a data connection. |
New-AzKustoManagedPrivateEndpoint |
Creates a managed private endpoint. |
New-AzKustoPrivateEndpointConnection |
Approve or reject a private endpoint connection with a given name. |
New-AzKustoSandboxCustomImage |
Creates or updates a sandbox custom image. |
New-AzKustoScript |
Creates a Kusto database script. |
Remove-AzKustoAttachedDatabaseConfiguration |
Deletes the attached database configuration with the given name. |
Remove-AzKustoCluster |
Deletes a Kusto cluster. |
Remove-AzKustoClusterCalloutPolicy |
Removes callout policy for engine services. |
Remove-AzKustoClusterLanguageExtension |
Remove a list of language extensions that can run within KQL queries. |
Remove-AzKustoClusterPrincipalAssignment |
Deletes a Kusto cluster principalAssignment. |
Remove-AzKustoDatabase |
Deletes the database with the given name. |
Remove-AzKustoDatabasePrincipal |
Remove Database principals permissions. |
Remove-AzKustoDatabasePrincipalAssignment |
Deletes a Kusto principalAssignment. |
Remove-AzKustoDataConnection |
Deletes the data connection with the given name. |
Remove-AzKustoManagedPrivateEndpoint |
Deletes a managed private endpoint. |
Remove-AzKustoPrivateEndpointConnection |
Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name. |
Remove-AzKustoSandboxCustomImage |
Deletes a sandbox custom image. |
Remove-AzKustoScript |
Deletes a Kusto database script. |
Start-AzKustoCluster |
Starts a Kusto cluster. |
Stop-AzKustoCluster |
Stops a Kusto cluster. |
Test-AzKustoAttachedDatabaseConfigurationNameAvailability |
Checks that the attached database configuration resource name is valid and is not already in use. |
Test-AzKustoClusterNameAvailability |
Checks that the cluster name is valid and is not already in use. |
Test-AzKustoClusterPrincipalAssignmentNameAvailability |
Checks that the principal assignment name is valid and is not already in use. |
Test-AzKustoDatabaseNameAvailability |
Checks that the databases resource name is valid and is not already in use. |
Test-AzKustoDatabasePrincipalAssignmentNameAvailability |
Checks that the database principal assignment is valid and is not already in use. |
Test-AzKustoDataConnectionNameAvailability |
Checks that the data connection name is valid and is not already in use. |
Test-AzKustoManagedPrivateEndpointNameAvailability |
Checks that the managed private endpoints resource name is valid and is not already in use. |
Test-AzKustoSandboxCustomImageNameAvailability |
Checks that the sandbox custom image resource name is valid and is not already in use. |
Test-AzKustoScriptNameAvailability |
Checks that the script name is valid and is not already in use. |
Update-AzKustoCluster |
Update a Kusto cluster. |
Update-AzKustoDatabase |
Updates a database. |
Update-AzKustoDataConnection |
Updates a data connection. |
Update-AzKustoManagedPrivateEndpoint |
Updates a managed private endpoint. |
Update-AzKustoSandboxCustomImage |
Updates a sandbox custom image. |
Update-AzKustoScript |
Updates a database script. |
Azure PowerShell