Microsoft Azure PowerShell: AppConfiguration-Cmdlets
Clear-AzAppConfigurationDeletedStore |
Permanently deletes the specified configuration store. |
Get-AzAppConfigurationDeletedStore |
Gets a deleted Azure app configuration store. |
Get-AzAppConfigurationKey |
Gets a list of keys. |
Get-AzAppConfigurationKeyValue |
Gets a list of key-values. |
Get-AzAppConfigurationLabel |
Gets a list of labels. |
Get-AzAppConfigurationRevision |
Gets a list of key-value revisions. |
Get-AzAppConfigurationStore |
Get or list app configuration stores. |
Get-AzAppConfigurationStoreKey |
Lists the access key for the specified configuration store. |
New-AzAppConfigurationStore |
Creates a configuration store with the specified parameters. |
New-AzAppConfigurationStoreKey |
Regenerates an access key for the specified configuration store. |
Remove-AzAppConfigurationKeyValue |
Deletes a key-value. |
Remove-AzAppConfigurationLock |
Unlocks a key-value. |
Remove-AzAppConfigurationStore |
Deletes a configuration store. |
Set-AzAppConfigurationKeyValue |
Put a key-value. |
Set-AzAppConfigurationLock |
Locks a key-value. |
Test-AzAppConfigurationKeyValue |
Requests the headers and status of the given resource. |
Test-AzAppConfigurationStoreNameAvailability |
Checks whether the configuration store name is available for use. |
Update-AzAppConfigurationStore |
Updates a configuration store with the specified parameters. |
Azure PowerShell