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View and Save Test Results

In HPC Cluster ManagerDiagnostics, you can see a list of diagnostics tests results for your cluster. For each diagnostic run, you can read the result summary in the Detail Pane, or double-click to open the summary in a separate window.

You can save test result summaries to an HTML file. Many of the HTML files contain tables of data from the test. When you open these files in Microsoft Office Excel, the tables are automatically converted to spreadsheet tables.

Use the Navigation Pane to filter test results by result flag (for example Failure or Warning). You can also use the filter fields in the Diagnostics views pane to filter results by Test suite, or Update time. The filter criteria that you specify persist when you select a different result flag in the Navigation Pane.

Filtering, viewing, and saving test results

To demonstrate how to filter, view, and save test results, the following procedure shows how to view Network Service diagnostics with results of Failure or Warning in the last 12 hours, and then save the results.

To view and save results for Network Service diagnostics in the last 12 hours

  1. In Diagnostics, in the Navigation Pane, under Test Results, click Failure.

  2. In the views pane, in the Filter drop-down list, click Network Service.

  3. In the Updated time drop-down list, click Last 12 hours, then click the filter button.

  4. In the views pane, click a test to read the result summary in the Detail Pane, or double-click to open the summary in a separate window.

  5. To save the test result summary, in the Actions pane click Export.

  6. In the Navigation Pane, under Test Results, click Warning and then repeat the steps to view and save results as appropriate.

Additional considerations

  • To view failed diagnostics for specific nodes, select one or more node in the Node Management view and then use then click Failed Diagnostics for the Nodes (in the Actions pane, under Pivot to). See also Monitoring Nodes.

  • For information about using HPC Cluster Manager, see Overview of HPC Cluster Manager.

Additional references