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EntityMetadata EntityType

Base type: 
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Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity.

Name Type Details
ActivityTypeMask Edm.Int32

Whether a custom activity should appear in the activity menus in the Web application.

AutoCreateAccessTeams Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether the entity is enabled for auto created access teams.

AutoRouteToOwnerQueue Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether to automatically move records to the owner's default queue when a record of this type is created or assigned

CanBeInCustomEntityAssociation BooleanManagedProperty
CanBeInManyToMany BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the entity can be in a Many-to-Many entity relationship.

CanBePrimaryEntityInRelationship BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the entity can be the referenced entity in a One-to-Many entity relationship.

CanBeRelatedEntityInRelationship BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the entity can be the referencing entity in a One-to-Many entity relationship.

CanChangeHierarchicalRelationship BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the hierarchical state of entity relationships included in your managed solutions can be changed.

CanChangeTrackingBeEnabled BooleanManagedProperty

For internal use only.

CanCreateAttributes BooleanManagedProperty

Whether additional attributes can be added to the entity.

CanCreateCharts BooleanManagedProperty

Whether new charts can be created for the entity.

CanCreateForms BooleanManagedProperty

Whether new forms can be created for the entity.

CanCreateViews BooleanManagedProperty

Whether new views can be created for the entity.

CanEnableSyncToExternalSearchIndex BooleanManagedProperty

For internal use only.

CanModifyAdditionalSettings BooleanManagedProperty

Whether any other entity properties not represented by a managed property can be changed.

CanTriggerWorkflow Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity can trigger a workflow process.

ChangeTrackingEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether change tracking is enabled for an entity.

ClusterMode EntityClusterMode
CollectionSchemaName Edm.String

The collection schema name of the entity.

CreatedOn Edm.DateTimeOffset

When the table was created.

DataProviderId Edm.Guid
DataSourceId Edm.Guid
DaysSinceRecordLastModified Edm.Int32
Description Label

The label containing the description for the entity.

DisplayCollectionName Label

A label containing the plural display name for the entity.

DisplayName Label

A label containing the display name for the entity.

EnforceStateTransitions Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity will enforce custom state transitions.

EntityColor Edm.String

The hexadecimal code to represent the color to be used for this entity in the application.

EntityHelpUrl Edm.String

The URL of the resource to display help content for this entity

EntityHelpUrlEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity supports custom help content.

EntitySetName Edm.String

The name of the Web API entity set for this entity.

ExternalCollectionName Edm.String
ExternalName Edm.String

The external name of an object, typically based on it's name in it's original source.

HasActivities Edm.Boolean

Whether activities are associated with this entity.

HasChanged Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether the item of metadata has changed.

Inherited from: MetadataBase

HasEmailAddresses Edm.Boolean

Whether or not an email address is associated to this entity.

HasFeedback Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity will have a special relationship to the Feedback entity.

HasNotes Edm.Boolean

Whether notes are associated with this entity.

IconLargeName Edm.String

The name of the image web resource for the large icon for the entity.

IconMediumName Edm.String

The name of the image web resource for the medium icon for the entity.

IconSmallName Edm.String

The name of the image web resource for the small icon for the entity.

IconVectorName Edm.String
IntroducedVersion Edm.String

A string identifying the solution version that the solution component was added in.

IsActivity Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is an activity.

IsActivityParty Edm.Boolean

Whether the email messages can be sent to an email address stored in a record of this type.

IsAIRUpdated Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity uses the updated user interface.

IsArchivalEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether or not the entity is enabled for archival of rows.

IsAuditEnabled BooleanManagedProperty

Whether auditing has been enabled for the entity.

IsAvailableOffline Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is available offline.

IsBPFEntity Edm.Boolean
IsBusinessProcessEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is enabled for business process flows.

IsChildEntity Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is a child entity.

IsConnectionsEnabled BooleanManagedProperty

Whether connections are enabled for this entity.

IsCustomEntity Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is a custom entity.

IsCustomizable BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the entity is customizable.

IsDocumentManagementEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether document management is enabled.

IsDocumentRecommendationsEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether the table is enabled for document recommendations.

IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled BooleanManagedProperty

Whether duplicate detection is enabled.

IsEnabledForCharts Edm.Boolean

Whether charts are enabled.

IsEnabledForExternalChannels Edm.Boolean

Whether this entity is enabled for external channels

IsEnabledForTrace Edm.Boolean

For internal use only.

IsImportable Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity can be imported using the Import Wizard.

IsInteractionCentricEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is enabled for interactive experience.

IsIntersect Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is an intersection table for two other entities.

IsKnowledgeManagementEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether Parature knowledge management integration is enabled for the entity.

IsLogicalEntity Edm.Boolean
IsMailMergeEnabled BooleanManagedProperty

Whether mail merge is enabled for this entity.

IsManaged Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is part of a managed solution.

IsMappable BooleanManagedProperty

Whether entity mapping is available for the entity.

IsMSTeamsIntegrationEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether or not the entity is enabled for Microsoft Teams integration.

IsOfflineInMobileClient BooleanManagedProperty

Whether this entity is enabled for offline data with Dynamics 365 for tablets and Dynamics 365 for phones.

IsOneNoteIntegrationEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether OneNote integration is enabled for the entity.

IsOptimisticConcurrencyEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether optimistic concurrency is enabled for the entity

IsPrivate Edm.Boolean

For internal use only.

IsQuickCreateEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is enabled for quick create forms.

IsReadingPaneEnabled Edm.Boolean

For internal use only.

IsReadOnlyInMobileClient BooleanManagedProperty

Whether Microsoft Dynamics 365 for tablets users can update data for this entity.

IsRenameable BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the entity DisplayName and DisplayCollectionName can be changed by editing the entity in the application.

IsRetentionEnabled Edm.Boolean

Whether the table is enabled for retention.

IsRetrieveAuditEnabled Edm.Boolean
IsRetrieveMultipleAuditEnabled Edm.Boolean
IsSLAEnabled Edm.Boolean

The value indicating if the entity is enabled for service level agreements (SLAs).

IsSolutionAware Edm.Boolean

For internal use only.

IsStateModelAware Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity supports setting custom state transitions.

IsValidForAdvancedFind Edm.Boolean

Whether the entity is will be shown in Advanced Find.

IsValidForQueue BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the entity is enabled for queues.

IsVisibleInMobile BooleanManagedProperty

Whether Microsoft Dynamics 365 for phones users can see data for this entity.

IsVisibleInMobileClient BooleanManagedProperty

Whether Microsoft Dynamics 365 for tablets users can see data for this entity.

LogicalCollectionName Edm.String

The logical collection name.

LogicalName Edm.String

The logical name for the entity.

MetadataId Edm.Guid

A unique identifier for the metadata item.

Inherited from: MetadataBase

MobileOfflineFilters Edm.String
ModifiedOn Edm.DateTimeOffset

When the table definition was last modified.

ObjectTypeCode Edm.Int32

The entity type code.

OwnerId Edm.Guid
OwnerIdType Edm.Int32
OwnershipType OwnershipTypes

The ownership type for the entity.

OwningBusinessUnit Edm.Guid

The owning business unit for the entity.

PrimaryIdAttribute Edm.String

The name of the attribute that is the primary id for the entity.

PrimaryImageAttribute Edm.String

The name of the primary image attribute for an entity.

PrimaryNameAttribute Edm.String

The name of the primary attribute for an entity.

Privileges Collection(SecurityPrivilegeMetadata)

The privilege metadata for the entity.

RecurrenceBaseEntityLogicalName Edm.String

The name of the entity that is recurring.

ReportViewName Edm.String

The name of the report view for the entity.

SchemaName Edm.String

The schema name for the entity.

SettingOf Edm.String
Settings Collection(EntitySetting)

For internal use only.

SyncToExternalSearchIndex Edm.Boolean

Whether this entity is searchable in relevance search.

TableType Edm.String

Whether the table is standard or elastic.

UsesBusinessDataLabelTable Edm.Boolean

For internal use only.

Collection-valued navigation properties

Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of related entities.

Name Type Partner
Attributes AttributeMetadata
Keys EntityKeyMetadata
ManyToManyRelationships ManyToManyRelationshipMetadata
ManyToOneRelationships OneToManyRelationshipMetadata
OneToManyRelationships OneToManyRelationshipMetadata

See also