Freigeben über ComputerRollupInfo

 <s:complexType name="ComputerRollupInfo">
     <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Details" type="tns:Co
 mputerRollupDetails" />
   <s:attribute name="ComputerId" type="s:string" />
   <s:attribute name="LastSyncTime" type="s:dateTime" use="required" />
   <s:attribute name="LastSyncResult" type="s:int" use="required" />
   <s:attribute name="LastReportedRebootTime" type="s:dateTime" use="re
 quired" />
   <s:attribute name="LastReportedStatusTime" type="s:dateTime" use="re
 quired" />
   <s:attribute name="LastInventoryTime" type="s:dateTime" use="require
 d" />
   <s:attribute name="ParentServerId" type="s1:guid" use="required" />

Details: This field MUST be present if this DSS is reporting information on this client computer for the first time. This field MAY be present in subsequent calls. It contains detailed information on the client computer. Its format is specified in section<56>

ComputerId: This field MUST be present. It indicates the globally unique string that is used to identify the client computer.

LastSyncTime: This field MUST be present. It indicates the time when the client computer last contacted the update server to check for new updates. If the client computer has never contacted the update server to check for updates, this value MUST be set to the following:

  • Date (Year-Month-Date) = 1753-01-01

  • Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)= 00:00:00

LastSyncResult: This field MUST be present. It indicates the result of the client computer's last attempt to get updates from the update server. The valid values for this field are shown in the following table.




Unknown/client computer has never contacted the update server.





LastReportedRebootTime: This field MUST be present. It indicates the time when the client computer last started, and then notified the update server that it has started (the time stamp indicates the time it started, not the time when the update server was notified). If the client computer has never notified the update server that it has started, this value MUST be set to the following:

  • Date (Year-Month-Date) = 1753-01-01

  • Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)= 00:00:00

LastReportedStatusTime: This field MUST be present. It indicates the time when the client computer last reported the status of updates on the client computer to the update server. If the client computer has never reported the status of updates, this value MUST be set to the following:

  • Date (Year-Month-Date) = 1753-01-01

  • Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)= 00:00:00

LastInventoryTime: This field MUST be present. It indicates the time when the client computer last reported software and hardware inventory information to the update server. If the client computer has never reported inventory information, this value MUST be set to the following:

  • Date (Year-Month-Date) = 1753-01-01

  • Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)= 00:00:00

ParentServerId: This field MUST be present. It indicates the GUID that identifies the update server that the client computer gets updates from.