Freigeben über Per Share

The Share element maintains the following information for the shared resource (directory, named pipe, or printer):

Share.ShareName: The name for the shared resource on this server.

Share.ServerName: The NetBIOS, fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or textual IPv4 or IPv6 address that the share is associated with. This value MUST be less than 256 characters in length. If the share is associated with the default computer name of the machine, the ServerName parameter MUST be set to "*". For more information, see sections 1.3,, and 4.3.

Share.IsPersistent: A BOOLEAN value indicating whether the share is a sticky share (persistent).

Share.IsMarkedForDeletion: A BOOLEAN value indicating whether the share has been marked for deletion via the NetrShareDelStart (section RPC method.

Share.IsPrinterShare: A BOOLEAN value indicating whether the share is a printer share.

Share.LocalPath: A path that describes the local resource that is being shared. This MUST be a store that either provides named pipe functionality, or that offers storage and/or retrieval of files. In the case of the latter, it can be a device that accepts a file and then processes it in some format, such as a printer.

Share.FileSecurity: An authorization policy, such as an access control list, that describes what actions users that connect to this share are allowed to perform on the shared resource.<36>

Share.CscFlags: The configured offline caching policy for this share. This value MUST be manual caching, automatic caching of files, automatic caching of files and programs, or no offline caching. For more information, see [MS-SMB2] section 2.2.10. For more information about offline caching, see [OFFLINE].

Share.IsDfs: A BOOLEAN that, if set, indicates that this share is configured for DFS. For more information, see [MSDFS].

Share.DoAccessBasedDirectoryEnumeration: A BOOLEAN that, if set, indicates that the results of directory enumerations on this share MUST be trimmed to include only the files and directories that the calling user has the right to access.

Share.AllowNamespaceCaching: A BOOLEAN that, if set, indicates that clients are allowed to cache directory enumeration results for better performance.

Share.ForceSharedDelete: A BOOLEAN that, if set, indicates that all opens on this share MUST include FILE_SHARE_DELETE in the sharing access.

Share.RestrictExclusiveOpens: A BOOLEAN that, if set, indicates that users who request read-only access to a file are not allowed to deny other readers.

Share.Type: The value indicates the type of share. It MUST be one of the values that are listed in section

Share.Remark: A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode UTF-16 string that specifies an optional comment about the shared resource.

Share.MaxUses: The value indicates the maximum number of concurrent connections that the shared resource can accommodate.

Share.CurrentUses: The value indicates the number of current trees connected to the shared resource.

Share.ForceLevel2Oplock: A BOOLEAN that, if set, indicates that the server does not issue exclusive caching rights on this share.

Share.HashEnabled: A BOOLEAN that, if set, indicates that the share supports hash generation for branch cache retrieval of data.