Freigeben über RpcDeletePort (Opnum 39)

Removes a port.<357>

 DWORD RpcDeletePort(
   [in, string, unique] STRING_HANDLE pName,
   [in] ULONG_PTR hWnd,
   [in, string] wchar_t* pPortName

pName: A parameter specified in Print Server Name Parameters (section

hWnd: The value of this parameter SHOULD be set to zero when sent and MUST be ignored on receipt.

pPortName: A pointer to a string that specifies the name of the port that is deleted. For rules governing port names, see section

Return Values: This method MUST return zero (ERROR_SUCCESS) to indicate successful completion or a nonzero Windows error code to indicate failure [MS-ERREF].

Upon receiving this message, the server MUST validate the following:

  • Perform the validation steps specified in Print Server Name Parameters (section

  • Verify that the string that is referenced by pPortName represents a port installed on the server, and if that validation fails, return ERROR_UNKNOWN_PORT.

  • Verify that the port monitor for the port supports the DeletePort monitor module method, and if that validation fails, return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.

  • Verify that the port is not being used by any printer or print job in the system, and if that validation fails, return ERROR_BUSY.

  • Additional validation MAY<358> be performed.

If parameter validation fails, the server MUST fail the operation immediately and return a nonzero error response to the client. Otherwise, the server MUST process the message and compose a response to the client as follows:

  • Clear the references to this port from any other data structures.

  • Delete the port object.

  • Modify the list of ports in the system to exclude the deleted port.

  • If any clients have registered for notification of server object changes, a notification MUST be broadcast to them.

  • Return the status of the operation.