Freigeben über IRPCAsyncNotify_CloseChannel (Opnum 6)

The IRPCAsyncNotify_CloseChannel method sends a final response on the notification channel and closes it. This method MUST NOT be used with unidirectional communication mode.

 HRESULT IRPCAsyncNotify_CloseChannel(
   [in, out] PNOTIFYOBJECT* pChannel,
   [in] PrintAsyncNotificationType* pInNotificationType,
   [in] unsigned long InSize,
   [in, size_is(InSize), unique] byte* pReason

pChannel: MUST be a pointer to a notification channel that MUST NOT be closed or zero and that MUST have been returned by the server in the ppChannelCtxt output parameter of a prior call to IRPCAsyncNotify_GetNewChannel. Upon receipt, the server MUST set the pChannel value to NULL.

pInNotificationType: MUST be a pointer to a PrintAsyncNotificationType value. If the client needs to close the notification channels without sending a final response, then this value SHOULD point to NOTIFICATION_RELEASE. In all other cases, this value MUST point to the notification type identifier of the notification type for which the client has registered.

InSize: The server SHOULD impose an upper limit on this value that is smaller than the maximum unsigned 32-bit integer. That limit SHOULD be 0x00A00000. If the client exceeds the server-imposed limit, the server MUST return an error result.

If pInNotificationType is NOTIFICATION_RELEASE, then InSize SHOULD be 0x00000000.

pReason: MUST be a pointer to a sequence of bytes conveying final client-to-server response data. The number of bytes MUST be provided in the InSize parameter. If InSize is not 0x00000000, then pReason MUST NOT be NULL.

If pInNotificationType is NOTIFICATION_RELEASE, then the client SHOULD provide zero bytes of response data and the server MUST ignore any response data pointed to by pReason. If pInNotificationType is not NOTIFICATION_RELEASE, then the response format MUST conform to the requirements of the notification channel's notification type and those notification type requirements determine whether or not a zero-byte response is acceptable.

Return Values: This method MUST return zero or an HRESULT success value ([MS-ERREF] section 2.1.1) to indicate success, or an HRESULT error value to indicate failure.

Protocol-specific success values are defined in the following table.

Return value



Another client has acquired the channel.

Protocol-specific error values are defined in the following table. The client MUST consider all error return values fatal and report them to the higher-level caller.

Return value



The response exceeds the maximum size allowed by the server.


The notification type identifier is different from the notification type of the notification channel.


The server does not have enough memory to complete the request.

Exceptions Thrown: No exceptions are thrown beyond those thrown by the underlying RPC protocol [MS-RPCE].

If a client call to IRPCAsyncNotify_GetNotificationSendResponse is blocked on the server, waiting for a notification to become available on a notification channel, then the server MUST process a client call to this method on the same notification channel without waiting for a notification.

A client MUST NOT call IRPCAsyncNotify_CloseChannel following a prior successful return from IRPCAsyncNotify_GetNotificationSendResponse with a NULL value of pChannel parameter or following a prior successful return from IRPCAsyncNotify_CloseChannel.<11>