Freigeben über LsarOpenSecret2 (Opnum 136)

The LsarOpenSecret2 method is invoked to obtain a handle to an existing secret object.<88>

 NTSTATUS LsarOpenSecret2(
   [in] LSAPR_HANDLE PolicyHandle,
   [in] PLSAPR_AES_CIPHER_VALUE EncryptedSecretName,
   [in] ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
   [out] LSAPR_HANDLE *SecretHandle

PolicyHandle: An RPC context handle obtained from LsarOpenPolicy3 (section

EncryptedSecretName: The name of the secret to be opened, encrypted to specification per AES Cipher Usage (section 5.1.5). 

DesiredAccess: An ACCESS_MASK indicating the requested type of access (section

SecretHandle: Used to return the handle to the opened secret object.

Return Values: The return values are the same as specified for LsarOpenSecret (section


The processing is the same as LsarOpenSecret with the exception that the encrypted secret name is first decrypted.