The TRKSVR_CALL_MOVE_NOTIFICATION structure is used in LnkSvrMessage method calls that specify a MOVE_NOTIFICATION message (see section 2.2.11), to indicate when one or more files have been moved off a volume. See section for an example of the client using this structure.

 typedef struct {
   unsigned long cNotifications;
   unsigned long cProcessed;
   SequenceNumber seq;
   long fForceSeqNumber;
   CVolumeId* pvolid;
   [size_is(cNotifications)] CObjId* rgobjidCurrent;
   [size_is(cNotifications)] CDomainRelativeObjId* rgdroidBirth;
   [size_is(cNotifications)] CDomainRelativeObjId* rgdroidNew;

cNotifications: This field MUST contain the number of move notifications that were received.

cProcessed: On return to the client, this field MUST indicate the number of notifications from the request message that were actually processed.

seq: This field MUST be set by the client to the VolumeSequenceNumber for this VolumeID. This value is used by the client and server to detect whether or not notifications have been lost. For information about sequence numbering, see sections and

fForceSeqNumber: This field MUST be set by the client to indicate whether the seq value is to be ignored. If set, seq MUST be ignored. Sequence numbering is as specified in sections and

pvolid: This field MUST contain the VolumeID, which indicates the volume from which the files in this notification were moved. CVolumeId is as specified in [MS-DLTW] section 2.2.4.

rgobjidCurrent: This field MUST contain an array of ObjectIDs with the ObjectID for each file that was moved. CObjId is as specified in [MS-DLTW] section 2.2.5. Note that the previous FileLocation of each of the moved files MUST be determined by composing the VolumeID from the pvolid value with each of the entries in the rgobjidCurrent array.

rgdroidBirth: This field MUST contain an array of FileIDs with the FileID for each file that was moved in this request. Each element in the rgdroidBirth array corresponds to the entry with the same index in the rgobjidCurrent array. CDomainRelativeObjId is as specified in [MS-DLTW] section 2.2.3.

rgdroidNew: This field MUST contain an array of FileLocations, with the new FileLocation for each file that was moved in this request. Each element in the rgdroidNew array corresponds to the entry with the same index in the rgobjidCurrent and rgdroidBirth arrays.