Freigeben über ORPCTHIS

The ORPCTHIS structure is the first (implicit) argument sent in an ORPC request PDU and is used to send ORPC extension data to the server. The ORPCTHIS structure is also sent as an explicit argument in activation RPC requests.

 typedef struct tagORPCTHIS {
   COMVERSION version;
   unsigned long flags;
   unsigned long reserved1;
   CID cid;
   [unique] ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY* extensions;

version: A COMVERSION structure that MUST contain the version number of the client. For details, see section 2.2.11.

flags: When the ORPCTHIS structure is used as a parameter in ORPC invocations (as specified in section, this MUST be set to 0x00000000. When the ORPCTHIS structure is used as a parameter in IActivation::RemoteActivation, IRemoteSCMActivator::RemoteGetClassObject and IRemoteSCMActivator::RemoteCreateInstance methods (section, this can be set to any arbitrary value when sent and MUST be ignored on receipt.

reserved1: This MUST be set to zero when sent and MUST be ignored on receipt.

cid: This MUST contain a CID for the ORPC call. For details, see section 1.3.5.

extensions: If non-NULL, this MUST be a pointer to an ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY structure.