Freigeben über ICertAdminD::RestoreGetDatabaseLocations (Opnum 30)

The RestoreGetDatabaseLocation method retrieves the list of CA server database location names for all the database files being restored.

 HRESULT RestoreGetDatabaseLocations(
   [out, size_is(, *pcwcPaths)] WCHAR** ppwszzDatabaseLocations,
   [out] LONG* pcwcPaths

ppwszzDatabaseLocations: A pointer to a WCHAR pointer that will receive the list of null-terminated database location names and the log directory name. Detailed information about database file name structure formatting is specified in section 2.2.4.

pcwcPaths: A pointer to the LONG value that specifies the number of characters in ppwszzDatabaseLocations.

The CA server MUST apply the following processing rules:

  • If Config_CA_Interface_Flags contains the value IF_NOREMOTEICERTADMINBACKUP, the server SHOULD return an error.<64>

  • The CA server MUST return a list that includes the CA database file name and the locations to which the CA log and system files will be restored. The locations MUST be accessible to the CA. The database file name MUST be in UNC format and MUST be prefixed with "D". The log file location MUST be in UNC format and prefixed with a character whose value is 130. The system file location MUST be in UNC format and prefixed with a character whose value is 131.